The Five Stages of Fluffy Grief [by Nom_Took]

The fluffy Twelve Steps are just MC Escher stairs


ā€¦you saw the tag, right? Or am I missing something in your comment?

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I take it English isnā€™t your first language. You might want to start using commas, apostrophes, etc.

This comment of yours without any kind of punctuation/grammar can be taken one of two ways:

ā€œIā€™m probably saying it stupid(ly)ā€

or a potential insult:

ā€œIā€™m probably saying it, stupidā€


Mummah should be grateful that her babbeh is no longer on the street and is in the hand of a nice hoomin who can raise it well.

Heck, Mummah should be grateful that the hoomin didnā€™t give them ecofriendly and socially responsible forever sleep stompies.


Bitch deserves to lose her baby if sheā€™s gonna be like that.


Funny, I thought that most mares saw the foal with the same colours as hers as the ā€œbestest babbehā€.

Does this mare knows what are eye catching, profitable colours in a fluffy?


Yeah, that tracks.

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Maybe it smelled better when first born, or had a ā€˜nicerā€™ chirp, or any other dumb reason IRL mothers have for picking faves among their own offspringā€¦


No, you see, they do get to acceptance itā€™s just that itā€™s not so much acceptance as their little brains run out of RAM and they forget what it was that caused the grief.


At this rate, sheā€™ll be saying ā€Wan dieā€¦ā€ And attempt Seppuku with a rusty pipe in an hour or so.


I love that blue just sits there like ā€œNah. this is happening.ā€


She got to keep one of her babies AND didnā€™t get her teeth kicked in for demanding a human do what she says?
How ungrateful.

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How is the white baby her ā€œbestest babbehā€? Clearly, based on parent coloration closeness, the blue baby would actually be the favorite. Unless the white one looks like the father

I mean if I was about to move up the pecking order Iā€™d keep my mouth shut too.

Both of them are meant to be chirpies with shut eyes, though Iā€™m not sure if the image quality displays that very well lol.

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White with pink tail trumps blue with green tail in the attractiveness stakes. Itā€™s also not the same blue as the mother. Plus fluffy logic doesnā€™t always make sense because theyā€™re dumb as fuck.

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But the baby has a better chance for a decent life with him (or whoever he sells it to) than it would in the alley.

Yeah so Iā€™m gonna guess you and your mom donā€™t get along