The Herd Ch. 1 (by fluffysomething)

AN: This story will be partally based off of Nyew Mom-mee?, but with very different characters, the main one being a certain character that is disliked by most of my stories’ readers. Enjoy!

You are a baby Bestest Sickie Friend, and you lost your parent! You can’t even see them yet, but you know they’re not there anymore! You’re trying to tell them to come back, but they won’t and you can’t!

“Babbeh? Find nyu babbeh fo’ hewd?” You hear a voice say all of a sudden, which scares you! You don’t know who this is!

“Peeeeeeep! Squeeeeeaaaaak!” You peep and squeak worriedly, trying to move away from the voice. Well, until it places you on something soft and fluffy.

“Stay on nyu mummah bak, oh-tay? Am pwetty babbeh. Am puwpwe an’ pinkie. That meen, ‘ou am pwetty babbeh an’ second bestesh babbeh.” What’s a “bestesh babbeh”? Is that good or bad? Why are you the second one?

“Wittwe babbehs, mummah am bak wif nyu babbeh. Mummah pwobabwy wun 'way bee-cause am bad mummah. Aneeways, it miwkies time!” The voice speaks again, moving you to something warm and fleshy. You’re confused, what are you supposed to do?

“Dwink miwkies, second bestesh! Am gud fo’ babbehs!” The voice says, then you feel a small push and something enters your mouth. You suckle on it, and something comes out! Is this what the voice calls ‘miwkies’?

“Poopie babbeh gu wast! Ow, nu at aww. It dee-pend.” The voice says, yelling at something that you can’t see.

You suddenly see something bright–it’s hurting your see-places! Then, the hurties slowly go away and you finally see the owner of the voice. It’s… a fluffy!

“Babbeh open see-pwaces! Smawty, wook! Nyu babbeh open see-pwaces! Nee’ gib namesie!” The fluffy says, tapping you gently with their not-hands.

“Hmm… Am pinkie an’ puwpwe babbeh… Pwincess?” Another fluffy comes over to the hole you’re in, and they look at you carefully.

“Pwincess! Am gud namesie fo’ second bestesh babbeh! Bestesh babbeh namesie am… Snowfwake!” The fluffy, who you assume is your parent, declares, getting a nod from the other fluffy.

“Oh-tay, wha’ 'bout poopie babbeh? Be gud enfie-babbeh sum bwight-time.” The other fluffy questions, staring down at something behind you.

“Nu namesie fo’ poopie babbeh.” Your parent puffs their cheeks proudly, looking up at the sky.

“Ooh, namesie be Ugwy. Because, poopie babbeh am ugwy!” The other fluffy giggles, patting the thing behind you with its not-hand.

“Nu wike nyu namesie… Nu wan be Ugwy…” The thing behind you cries, getting hit by your parent. When you turn around to see it, it’s another fluffy!

“Oh-tay, babbehs. It time fo’ wearn time! Come with mummah, babbehs!” What’s ‘learn time’ and why are you all folllowing your parent to go to it?

“Oh-tay, babbehs! Wewcome tu wearn! Dis bwight-time, we wearn da wules of da hewd. Hoo essited?”