The Herd Ch. 2 (by fluffysomething)

You are Princess, and you are currently at ‘weawn time’, whatever that is. It seems fun, so you guess you’ll stay.

“Oh-tay, namesie am Ow-kid. Dis bwight-time, we weawn da wuwes of da hewd! Hoo essited?” Orchid asks, coming closer to everyone as they speak.

“Oooh, ooh! Tuwip essited! Am bewy essited!” Another baby fluffy squeals, getting up to do a little dance. Not that the dance was any good.

“Oh-tay, fiwst wuwe. Awways wisten tu Smawty, bee-cause Smawty am… Weww… Smawty?” Orchid mutters, the baby fluffies in the tree-place still clapping their not-hands excitedly.

“Tuu, when be big Fwuffy, awways gib foweba-sweepies tu munsta babbehs, wike Miss Ow-kid du!” Orchid puffs her cheeks proudly, getting another round of applause.

“W-wha am monstah bay-bees?” You ask, the entire group looking at you weirdly once you finish your sentence.

“Fiwst, ‘ou mus be big dumme- Miss Ow-kid meen, nu-su-smawt tu nu knyo wha’ a munsta babbeh am. Dey am babbehs wif howns an’ wingies. Second, 'ou speek wike a sickie-munsta. Nu wike dem.” Orchid sneers, coming over to place a singular leaf on your round body.

“Dat am da Dummeh Weaf. Dat meen, stay aftew weawn time so Pwincess an’ Miss Ow-kid can hab tawkies. Twee wuwe, nu wub poopie babbehs! Dey nu nee’ wub, owny num poopies!” Orchid continuing teaching, despite insulting you as she still stands beside you.

“Ooh, mummahs an’ daddehs comin’! Ebewywun, say bai-bai! Nu 'ou.” Orchid waves at evevy baby fluffy, getting a wave back before she blocks your path with her hoof.

“Wha happen? Am Pwincess bad? Babbeh, wai be bad?” Your parent gasps seeing the sight, coming over to sit down.

“Ou babbeh nu knyo wha’ munsta babbehs am, an’ dey speek wike… Wike… Nu eben wanna say it! 'Ou babbeh speek wike a sickie-munsta. Am su sowwy…” Orchid sighs, facing your parent while staring at you.

“Buh, dey wook wike wun, tuu. Wait, babbeh am a sickie-munsta!” Your parent gasps louder, visibly shocked by the discovery.

“Am su sowwy, sickie-munsta-babbeh. Nee’ du wha’ am wight fo’ hewd…” Orchid whispers, raising her hoof over you and getting ready to lower it.

“Wait, Mummah hab idea. We can git wid of poopie fwuffies if we kee’ dem awound, and dey git babbehs. Fink about it!” Your parent pleads, standing in front of you as Orchid nods.

“Nu poopie fwuffies? ‘Ou am smawt! Pwincess, come tawkies wif Miss Ow-kid weawwy fas’.” Orchid motions her hoof to behind a tree, bringing you with her.

You’re done with the ‘powtant tawkies’, and you know what you’ve got to do when you grow up. Even the ‘smawty’ said so.

“Nu wike! Pwease, wet Pwincess jus pway gud wif fwuffy fwiends?” You cry, begging Orchid as you stand in front of one of your ‘poopie’ learning-time friends.

“Nu! Du it, NAO! Nu knyo wai Ow-kid du dis tu sewf…” Orchid mutters to herself, pushing you closer to the ‘poopie’ fluffy.

“Am su sowwy… Am su sowwy…” You repeat, slowly pushing yourself into the fluffy’s mouth as you start to cry.

“Babbeh nu wik- Mmmmm! Mmmmm!” You hear the ‘poopie’ fluffy whine, quickly getting muffled as you get further down their throat.

About 30 minutes later

“Am done… Su tiwed…” You cry out, cleaning yourself as you walk away to go play with the other baby fluffies.

“Nu git tiwed! Aneeways, dis 'ou nyu jobbie nao.” You didn’t like this, at all. You weren’t ready for… whatever it’s called! You want your parent, even though they held that poor baby fluffy down to help you.

It could be better, but it could be a lot worse.


A degree of insight that seems to intermittently escape some of the humans in this setting.

Eugenics via biological warfare is a great idea: after all, it tends to wipe out the kind of person who wants to perform eugenics.

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