The No Babies Support Group Ch. 3 (by fluffysomething)

You are FV-0446, and you are currently sitting down and eating your tenth bowl of Nutri-Mix™️ today. Citrus says that playing and eating too little is bad for your new inside-babies, but can Bestest Sickie Friends even have inside-babies? You guess so, since you look bigger. Oh, your mommy’s special-friend is here!

“Everyone, the ‘nice baby mister’ has a big question. Where’s all the babies I let you all play with yesterday?” Your mommy’s special-friend asks as he looks around the room.

“Nu knyo.” Citrus says before you or anyone else says anything, smiling at him.

“Are you sure? Look, I can call your owners and ask them if any babies were brought home with you.” He warns, still looking under things.

“Oh-tay, buh Citwus nu tay-ke babbehs.” Citrus lies, as your mommy’s special-friend goes to look upstairs.

When he goes upstairs, Citrus says something.

“Tummeh-babbehs nee be see-wet! Nu teww nice mistah, ow mummahs an’ daddehs!” Citrus whispers, sitting back down after eating the rest of her kibble.

“Buh, it bad tu hav see-wets. Mom-mee say nu see-wets!” One of the other Bestest Sickie Friends whine, walking away to go upstairs.

“NU! Nu teww ow git huwties!” Citrus yells, smacking them with her hoof as they fall over.

This isn’t right! You want to tell your mommy’s special-friend, but you don’t want owwies!

You are Dr. Clarke Fields, and you just got done calling everyone’s owner to find those babies. You can think of something they might have done with the babies, but they wouldn’t do that. FV-0446 wouldn’t do that. Right?

“FV-0446, can I talk to you? It’s very important.” You go downstairs, calling them over as you pick them up and walk upstairs.

“Wha’ happen? Wha’ impowtant tawk?” They ask, patting their stubby arms together as you look at them.

“What happened to the babies I let you all play with yesterday?” You question, as they pause and look down.

“Nu wan teww.” They say, folding their stubby arms together and looking away.

“If you won’t talk to me, I think I have someone you’ll talk to.” You sigh, opening your computer and video calling someone.

“Mom-mee! Mom-mee on com-poot-tah bawks! Mom-mee am bettah nyo?” They squeal, patting their arms together and smiling.

“Yes, I’m a bit better. Now, where’s the babies? What did you and your new friends do with them?” She asks, turning the camera to face her as she smiles back at them.

“Maek bay-bees inside-baybees! Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks am… Nu knyo wowd fo’ it, buh hav inside-baybees!” They giggle, pointing at themselves and smiling even more.

“Oh, God… FV-0446, that’s not how Bestest Sickie Friends work.” She sighs, as they look at the screen confusedly.

“Wha mom-mee meen? Citwus say tu hav inside-baybees!” They whine, looking down at themselves again.

“Well, you know how mommy learns about very little Bestest Sickie Friends? They can’t have babies without help. Bigger Bestest Sickie Friends are just like that, but more complex. But, you still can’t have babies by yourself. Meaning, Citrus made you do a very bad thing in order to have… ‘inside-babies’. She’s very confused, and I don’t want you becoming that confused, either.” She explains, as they look at you, then at the screen and start sobbing.

“Ou meen… Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks num bay-bee? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! Am wowstest sickie-fwiend evah!” They cry out, covering their eyes with their stubby arms.

“You aren’t! Listen, go tell your friends about this, okay?” She orders gently, as you wave goodbye and turn off the computer.

You are FV-0446, and you are very sad. You ate a baby! And, you thought it would give you inside-babies! You’re trying to tell your new friends about this, but they won’t listen!

“Nu! Weawwy hab tummeh-babbehs! 'Ou am teww wies!” One of the fluffies shout at you, causing you to start crying even more.

“Wisten tu Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks! Wisten! It nu am wie!” You cry out, shaking slightly due to the amount of emotions you’re currently feeling.

Why won’t they listen to you? Even the other Bestest Sickie Friends aren’t listening! Maybe everyone has babies… except for you?


Clarke is kinda clueless, surely it wouldn’t take a full day to notice a whole group of babies are missing.

Still, at least 0446 is starting to doubt the cult, the question now is how will the rest of them react when they find the truth. If they even accept the truth that is


Seems like 0446 needs some support to convince them that they did a very bad thing… Citrus is becoming a very dumb smarty.