The Path - Epilouge11 - Ending (by: FallenAngel)

Interesting! So it has to be sweeter than normal, i suppose

Yes thats why fat spoiled bestesh or special babbehs ended up yellow or broken teeth due to the sweet milk they keep consuming.

Uhhh, where’s the 18+ art? It isnt even in the title anymore…

I removed it as I was notified on the new rules and that includes the 18+ art I did.

Did you save Cassandra and Samantha’s art somewhere else? Drive rule34 e621? I wanted to review it, but they were removed

I JUST checked this story out (I used to check everything on Fluffybooru as I didn’t get used to this page, the format and searching doesn’t do it for me) and I am now so mad I didn’t get here 2 years earlier. Everyone was talking about the picture and now I need it :sob:

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