The price of entitlement - 26 - 27 [END] ( by: FallenAngel)

Not sure about Grape either. I mean, she raised these little monsters.


True, true.

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LOL, the dumb shitrat ran away from his pampered home because be wanted to keep his balls and in the end he still lost them along with everything else.


Not only a perfect ending for the worst fluffy, but we also get to see the hot DILF again!!!:laughing:


WHAT A MASTERPIECE STORY :smiling_face_with_tear: :clap:

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I am so happy that I checked this comic again, the last time I read it back in 2023, page 18 was the latest page in this comic. I also love smawty abuseā€¦but this isā€¦abit too much for me

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