The Problem Ch. 1 (by fluffysomething)

AN: Based off of @Wholebroccoli’s idea in my comments! Enjoy!

You are FV-0446, and you are waiting for your mommy to come back from work. Oh, there she is right now! Why is she so happy?

“FV-0446 and FV-7410, I have a question to ask you both! Since all your babies went to good families, do you want to have babies again?” Your mommy asks, picking you both up along with a very bloated fluffy.

“Yeh, wub bay-bees! Wan bay-bees 'gain!” FV-7410 claps, sitting itself beside the fluffy as soon as your mommy puts you all down.

“Pwease… Nu wan bad viwus huggies! Am bad fo’ tummeh-babbehs!” The fluffy shouts, hitting your special-friend with her hoof and scooting away.

“Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks am su sowwy, buh nee sumwhewe fo’ bay-bees tu wive! Am su sowwy!” You say, taking your special-friend’s arm and plunging yourselves into the fluffy’s mouth.

About a week later

“BIGGESH POOPIES! Hewp fwuffy! Tummeh hab wowstest huwties! Hew-” The fluffy screams, her stomach exploding and releasing your babies.

“Thewe am wun, tuu, twee, fouw, fibe… Eff-vee-seven-fouw-wun-zewo nu can count higha than that.” Your special friend sighs, picking up all your babies and setting them down in the box your mommy brought over.

“There are six babies. Good job, you guys! Now, you can play and feed your babies while I go do something. Alright?” Your mommy claps excitedly, bringing the box of babies over to you both.

“Ou fee’ twee, Eff-vee-seven-fouw-wun-zewo fee’ twee?” Your special-friend asks, placing three babies on their pointy-thingies.

“Oh-tay!” You agree, also placing three babies on your pointy-thingies.

But, one of your babies looks different. Not that you still don’t love them, but you have a bad feeling about this.


Now, we only need to wait until the virus mutates into something harmful to the doctor, so that she may understand the pain she put so many innocent lives through.



As well as, potentially, other humans. Though in this case, size decidedly does work against epidemic growth.
All through these tales, I have been bemused at the lack of caution towards biohazards. The fluffspeak is hardly intimidating, I suppose.


Guess so. Heck, this lady literally brought these overgrown, sentient viruses around like they were puppies.


She brought non-conventional pets to a whole other level


One of her lab partners invented a fluffy growth accelerator.
What is more, she, herself, helped make fluffies.

That they have decided to market a talking disease as a pet is not surprising, just from the principle of sympathy.


I was sympathetic to her before because she’s killing fluffies and therefore doing the work which God doesn’t have time to do himself–but upon finding out that she was partially responsible for helping bring the abominations into the world in the first place, I am not so sympathetic anymore… :v