The Problem Ch. 2 (by fluffysomething)

You are FV-7410, and after feeding your babies, you noticed something. One of your babies look different, like their pointy-thingies changed!

“Owwies! Owwies! Bay-bee pointy-fingies gib huwties!” You squeal in pain, shaking your arms frantically to try and make the hurties go away.

“Speshew-fwiend, wha’ happen? Bay-bee am onwy wittwe bay-bee!” Your special-friend asks, hugging you to help.

“Bay-bee pointy-fingies gib huwties, an’ they wook weiwd. Hab weiwd feews 'bout this.” You sigh, looking over at the baby who’s currently knocking its siblings over.

“Bay-bee! Nu huwt sibwings! That nu wha’ gud bay-bees du!” You shout, picking up the baby and giving it a small flick to the face.

“Peeeeeep! Nu cawe. Peeeeeeep! Am speshew bay-bee! Squeak! Speshew bay-bee du wha’ wan!” The aforementioned baby kicks the air, landing a few kicks on you before hitting you.

“How bay-bee speshew? Pawental ‘viwus-esses’ wub bay-bees the samesies!” Your special-friend gasps at the baby’s behavior, flicking it again.

“Peeeeep! Bay-bee nu knyo yet- Squeak! Buh am stiww speshew.” Your baby huffs, toddling away to push over its siblings again.

“You guys, I got a fluffy again! For research reasons, of course. Now, she’ll be staying in another room, because I don’t want you guys giving her any form of ‘replication-huggies’.” Your mommy walks in, attracting your baby over to her as she holds a fluffy.

“Wepwication huggies? Wan! Wan, pwease!” Your baby claps its hands, trying to reach up for the fluffy.

“No, no replication-huggies. At least, not right now.” Your mommy walks away, placing the fluffy in her room and shutting the door.

You are a baby Bestest Sickie Friend, and you are playing downstairs with your siblings. Well, you’re the only one having any fun since you’re pushing the rest of them down.

What’s that? A very bright-blue bottle, in what your parents call ‘mommy’s special room’? You want it!

“Pawents nu notice if bay-bee be sneak-ee an’ gu in hewe.” You whisper to yourself, running into the room and looking in the box containing the bottle until you find it.

“Wha’ nyew toysie say? Peeep! Toysie say ‘Ecktwemewy muu-ta-gen-ick, handwe wit’ caution.'. Squeak! Wan pway!” You squeal quietly, bouncing the new toy in your hands until it breaks on the floor. Oh, no! How will you clean it up?

“Peeeeep! Nee’ num weiwd fingie tu cwean up! Squeak!” You decide, drinking the blue liquid off the floor until you couldn’t see any more of it.

You only have one question: what is ‘mutagenic’ supposed to mean?


God creates Man

Man creates Fluffies

Fluffies insults God

Man destroys Fluffies

Man creates Virus

Virus infects Fluffy

Fluffy creates Infection

Infection destroys Man

Goddamn Harriet, this is what you get for fucking with the science.


I thought it was going to be an anti-virus fluffy not a brat. Still might be.



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Woman inherits the Earth