The Still Stallions Support Group [By BFM101]

A ring of seven male Fluffies sat in the room, the low sunlight keeping them illuminated for the moment. Once they were all settles in, an aging grey Alicorn stood up.

“Hewwo fwiends, Fwuffy am Cow-nee-wee-us, an wewcome tu da ‘Stiww Stawwions’ Suppowt Gwoup. I see sum nyu faces hewe, an dat gib Cow-nee-wee-us biggesh heawt happies. Wan gib ebewy stawwion da chance tu stiww be a stwong Fwuffy, wiv ow wivout wumps.”

Cornelius turned to the Fluffy on his right, a soft yellow earthie, between his legs the bandages were still stained red indicating his castration had been quite recent. “Nyu fwiend, teww Fwuffies wha happen?”

The yellow stallion stood up, wincing a little at the pain between his legs. “Um, hewwo. Fwuffy am Mawcus.”

“Hewwo Mawcus.” Rang out a chorus of voices around him.

“Um… Mawcus hab daddeh an speciaw-fwiend, wub dem both. Speciaw-fwiend wan Mawcus make enfies fow gud-feews, Mawcus wan make speciaw-fwiend happy su gib enfies. Bu daddeh see Fwuffies an nu wike enfies, su gib Mawcus wowstesh huwties den… den… DEN TAKE MAWCUS SPECIAW-WUMPS!”

Marcus broke down crying, Cornelius placed a hoof over his shoulder and comforted him.

“It ok Mawcus, Fwuffies am awwowed tu cwy hewe, yu am nu wess of a stawwion fow cwying.”

“Huu, wosing wumps nu eben da wowstesh pawt. Speciaw-fwiend caww Mawcus dummeh coz nu can gib speciaw-huggies nu mowe an gib Mawcus wowstesh sowwy-poopies. Speciaw-huggies wewe hew finkie-pwace-pwan. Wai she nu wub Mawcus nu mowe.”

Cornelius sighed. “Cow-nee-wee-us nu fink she eba du, fink she jus wan babbehs. Dat am ok fow some mawes, but she need she dat befowe she be speciaw-fwiend. Bu yu am nu awone Mawcus, Cow-nee-wee-us wose speciaw-wumps tu meanie wed Fwuffy who nummed babbehs, speciaw-fwiend bwame Cow-nee-wee-us fow nu pwotecting famiwy bu Cow-nee-wee-us weawise, nu couwd sabe famiwy anee-betta dan did. Nu can change wha happen, onwy can wook at wha happen neks.”

Marcus sniffled. “Cow-nee-wee-us wose babbehs? Dat am so sadies.”

Cornelius smiled. “Cow-nee-wee-us hab babbehs. Mawcus am babbeh, ebewy stawwion in da woom am Cow-nee-wee-us babbeh, an Cow-nee-wee-us am daddeh tu yu aww. Fwow Mawty whos mummah took his wumps afta he hab speciaw-huggies, den aww his babbehs bown wiv foweba sweepies.”

A pathetic looking red earthie sullenly waved at Marcus.

“Tu Owegano whos daddeh spiwwed buwnie-sketti-wawa on wumps an hab dem wemoved fow his heawth.”

A timid green unicorn shook his head and cried. “Nu wike skettis, nu wike skettis.”

Beside Oregano, a MASSIVE orange Pegasus placed a hoof on his back and petted him softly.

“Dewe, dewe Owegano, yu am stiww stawwion, wememba.”

From the deep voice, even by Fluffy standards, Marcus could tell the Pegasus was a stallion, but he could see a huge pair of milky-places swinging between the giants legs.

Cornelius smiled. “Dat am Wobewt Pauwson, him daddeh make him bestesh Tuffies in all da wands, bu tu du dat, his daddeh gib him pointy-owies cawwed ‘stewoids’, dey make him stwonga dan anee-fing. Bu his daddeh gib him tuu many an Wobewt’s boo-boo juice change him. Nyo Bob hab bisch tits.”

Robert laughed and continued hugging Oregano, Cornelius looked to the next Fluffy in the room and was surprised to see an off-white unicorn with a brown mane standing awkwardly at the edge.”

“Sowwy fwiend, Cow-nee-wee-us nu knyo yu.”

“Fwuffy am Jak’s utta con-foo-shun. Fwuffy am in wong woom, dis nu am Fwuffy Fight Cwub wight?”

“Nu, dat am in da basement.”

“Ok, sowwy.”

The off-white Fluffy left, Cornelius thought him an odd fellow, but thought nothing of it as he returned to his support group. His thoughts needed to be on them more than strange Fluffies right now.


Wow this is a nice support group for fluffies the greeting was something rare that stallions would be braggin but without wumps guess why they are sober.

The final extra was kinda “wha??” A fluffy fight club in the basement whoa! :flushed:


da foist wule ov fwuffy fight cwub am nu talkies 'bout fwuffy fight cwub.


“Bisch tits”


Well. Been in the wrong room myself. Just fade away.


Fluffy men are insecure too?


I geddit


I pictured a support group for paralyzed fluffies and was laughing my ass off because they likely couldn’t even talk to eachother so whats the point? xD

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Somebody just broke the first and second rules…