"The Wooly" Sub-species Concept Continued (Watcher)

A continuation of this

For the “purebreds are mute”, I ment more towards why we have pugs, lots of crossed branches , also, their snouts are more pushed in too, making speech harder, so they are of few words and silent screams

The bodily coat is a dense fur, the manes and tails being the thickest and longest parts. Tails get matted pretty easily, it’s best to have their back ends shave and clipped to help with cleaning and mating.

Breeding is difficult due to a low successful birth rate

The Origin of the idea was, we have cow fluffys, fluffaloes, the OGs are called pig horses, why not a sheep
I hope drawing in my normal style vs. fluffy style looks less like a farm sheep, and more like. . . . a wooly :upside_down_face:

Also, I don’t mind if you take the idea for your own to change up, it’ll be interesting so see what y’all’s come up with


I kinda wonder what happen if a madlad breeder decided to cross breed these and kitsune fluffies.
Shenanigans and what has science done scenarios probably

…and gruesome miscarriages.