Timelines of the NobodyAtAll Literary Universe

Note: while I am still working on ideas for new fluffy-related stories, I thought it would be nice to give some more information on the alternate timelines of my headcanon. I’ll be adding new timelines as they’re mentioned in the stories. Beware of spoilers.

Timeline-0: the timeline you’re in right now. What some would foolishly refer to as the “real world”.

Timeline-1: the Prime Timeline, but not the main timeline of my stories. The Calvin native to this timeline is the strongest Calvin of all Calvins, and head of the One Man Army. Miles has been the head of the ChaotiX in this timeline since Calvin founded the One Man Army. Is several decades ahead of most timelines. Pierre, Deston and Marley are all dead of old age. But all three of them left a legacy behind.

Timeline-2: the Calvin of this timeline was adopted by Pierre after the rest of the Korkea family was killed. This Calvin ended up becoming a brilliant scientist in his own regard, and co-founded the One Man Army with his counterpart from Timeline-1.

Timeline-3: the Calvin of this timeline was taken in by June after his parents were murdered. He was taught the ways of witch magic, and is a fearsome witch in his own right.

Timeline-4: the Calvin of this timeline was raised by Victor, of all people, and takes after him in many ways. He’s a bit rough around the edges, but still a hero.

Timeline-5: the Calvin of this timeline was permanently transformed into a fluffy in an incident he does not like discussing. It did not diminish his ability to be a hero.

Timeline-6: the Calvin of this timeline is black, as are all people who are white in most timelines. Naturally, the opposite is true for people who are black in most timelines. The cultural positions of black and white people have effectively been switched around. How this affects other ethnicities is currently unknown.

Timeline-7: the Calvin of this timeline was blessed with supernaturally good luck at a young age, rendering him an arrogant douche whose heroics were mostly due to him being in the right place at the right time.

Timeline-8: in this timeline, everything looks like an 8-bit video game. A favorite among officers of the One Man Army.

Timeline-9: the Calvin of this timeline never crossed Threshold X, but his Marley did, and then died saving him. Calvin’s body then became host to Marley’s spirit, allowing them to stay together, and empowering Calvin anyway.

Timeline-10: this timeline is a few years behind most timelines. The Calvin of this timeline is only 16 years old, and crossed Threshold X when he hit puberty.

Timeline-15: in this timeline, all of Calvin’s friends, except Marley, are dead. This Calvin initiates new recruits of the One Man Army, and helps oversee day-to-day operations. So to speak, days aren’t really a thing in the O.M.A.'s headquarters.

Timeline-36: in this timeline, everyone is the opposite sex. All men are women, all women are men. The Calvina and Marley of this timeline are both evil, and are both affiliated with the Citadel of Calvins. And have both been impregnated by their male counterparts from another timeline, because CQK-9891 wants to see what will happen.

Timeline-62: the Marley of this timeline has an abnormally large brain, and the intelligence that comes with such a big brain. He’s also an evil bastard. He enslaved his Calvin through unknown means, and was affiliated with the Citadel of Calvins, escaping the Citadel before the O.M.A. arrived. The source of this Marley’s excessively large brain and exceptional intelligence is currently unknown.

Timeline-63: same as Timeline-36. Except the Calvina of this timeline is an officer of the O.M.A., and not evil.

Timeline-65: in this timeline, Judy crossed Threshold X instead of Calvin. She went on many of the same adventures, but was ultimately slain by the Judydroid, this timeline’s equivalent to the Caldroid.

Timeline-69: in this timeline, fluffies are the dominant species, and keep humans as pets. Yeah. It’s one of the weird ones.

Timeline-94: in this timeline, a freak magical accident lead to the emergence of a new fluffy subspecies: bread fluffies. Shortly afterwards, a second magical accident lead to the emergence of butter fluffies.

Timeline-103: in this timeline, Ianos succeeded in turning Calvin into a vampire. Only to discover that not only could Calvin defy his orders, but that Calvin’s personality was completely unaltered by his transformation. Calvin promptly slew Ianos, which angered Glenn to the point that the fluffy-headed swordsman cut ties with the ChaotiX. Glenn had sworn to kill Ianos himself, after all, and Calvin had gone back on his word to let Glenn do the honors. Calvin resumed his heroics, now wearing a Sun Pearl supplied by Deston, and eventually joined the One Man Army. He was separated from Judy for a while, as she processed what happened to Calvin, but she ultimately accepted it.

Timeline-214: the timeline Nice Chris hails from. He never descended down the path of depravity that Demon Chris went down, and lived the happy life that Demon Chris always wanted. Until CQK-666 showed up…

Timeline-215: The timeline Nice James hails from. In this timeline, Marley crossed Threshold X around the time Miles would have, and Dave was dumped by Sandra around the time his and Slayer’s demon powers manifested. Dave blamed Calvin. It was all downhill from there. And then M-666 showed up…

Timeline-420: in this timeline, marijuana is legal in every country on Earth, and the consumption thereof is a fundamental part of society. Officers of the O.M.A. will visit this timeline to relax when they’re not on duty.

Timeline-573: the Calvin of this timeline is blond, and a vampire hunter too. He’s usually assigned to deal with vampire Calvins, also known as a Code Bleh.

Timeline-626: in this timeline, everyone’s sexual orientation is reversed, relative to most other timelines. So in layman’s terms, the Calvin of this timeline is gay, and the Jack of this timeline is straight. Anyone who is asexual is pansexual, and vice versa, et cetera. It doesn’t alter their actual personalities.

Timeline-666: the Calvin and Marley of this timeline were turned into demons, and were real pieces of work.

Timeline-1089: the Calvin of this timeline bonded with a symbiotic lifeform that crash-landed in Central Park. They’re now an officer of the One Man Army.

Timeline-1130: the Calvin and Marley of this timeline were apprehended by the O.M.A. after they jumped to the next timeline over, killed their counterparts, and took their place. They were sentenced to life in the Graveyard of Universes.

Timeline-1488: in this timeline, Adolf Hitler was accepted into the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, became a mediocre painter, and died peacefully in his sleep at age 97. Someone else ended up starting World War II.

Timeline-1897: another timeline where Calvin was turned into a vampire at Bran Castle. This Calvin became a founding member of CQK-9891’s gang of criminal Calvins.

Timeline-1888: in this timeline, fluffies were the result of Projekt Höllengremlin, an attempt by the Nazis to annoy the Allied Powers into submission. While they attempted this in many timelines, it actually worked in this timeline, and, unfortunately, the Nazi Party now rules the Earth in this timeline. Fortunately, they lose in most timelines.

Timeline-1923: in this timeline, the PLASMA break-in at Hasbio never happened. Fluffies were finished, all of the flaws were ironed out, and they were a massive success. This is all thanks to the contributions of Dr. Ginger, who hated fluffies in most other timelines.

Timeline-1930: in this timeline, Rupert Murdoch’s plan to replace fluffies with fuzzies went off without a hitch. Every household had a fuzzy, until a disgruntled abuser, deprived of his victims, remotely activated a hidden piece of code in the fuzzy’s programming, driving fuzzies around the world into a murderous frenzy. Murdoch fled into another timeline to evade the consequences for his part in the worldwide massacre.

Timeline-1931: in this timeline, Rupert Murdoch evaded his death after the Fall of Cleveland, due to Victor killing the man who would have killed Murdoch. This timeline’s Murdoch was then murdered and replaced by his counterpart from Timeline-1930.

Timeline-1948: the Jack of this timeline is as stupid and thick as his counterparts in most timelines are smart. He’s a bully, through and through, and can’t make the most of his temporal powers.

Timeline-1966: in this timeline, Floris the plant golem successfully absorbed Calvin, only for Calvin to overwhelm it from the inside. When Robert inadvertently dropped Floris on top of Calvin and Miles, Calvin pushed Miles out of the way, rather than the other way around. Noble, sure, but it spelled doom for the Earth.

Timeline-1983: in this timeline, the Earth doesn’t exist. Instead, there is a flat world, carried through space on the backs of four gigantic elephants, standing on top of a truly colossal sea turtle. Another weird one. This timeline actually doesn’t exist in the same part of the multiverse as the rest of the timelines mentioned here. It exists in its own part of the multiverse, far beyond the O.M.A.'s jurisdiction, and also outside of the Central Finite Curve. However, a counterpart of Calvin does somehow exist in this timeline, which is why it’s listed here. The native Calvin is an officer of the City Watch in the flat world’s largest city. Not a particularly prominent member, he’s never done anything worth noting in his timeline.

Timeline-1984: in this timeline, Calvin took up Tema’s offer to challenge him for the throne. Calvin won, becoming the first non-Saingan Gallo, and now lives on Vajarsi with his family.

Timeline-1985: The Jackson Clockson of this timeline was murdered by the Calvin of Timeline-9891, after the latter copied the former’s powers.

Timeline-1986: is more or less identical to Timeline-1989, save for a few subtle differences.

Timeline-1987: the timeline in which Chris Oldman spared Blueberry from impalement, returned the fluffy to Judy, and eventually married Judy. The marriage became an unhappy one, and then the world ended in this timeline too. It’s a long story. But it was because of this timeline’s Calvin.

Timeline-1988: the timeline seen in “Wun Wub, Wun Heawt” Part 12, where the awakening of Calvin’s power lead to the deaths of all his friends, the destruction of his universe, and, in the end, the death of this Calvin too.

Timeline-1989: the timeline most of my stories take place in. If you want to know what happens in this timeline, read the stories, people. Or see Events of the NobodyAtAll Literary Universe.

The timeline in which the Inhuman Alliance’s attack ended with the awakening of Vulcanus and the devastation of Earth and most of the universe. Jack, the sole surviving ChaotiX member and last man on Earth, spent the next fifty years finishing Project Wings of Time by himself, having been permanently deprived of his temporal powers. When Jack finally succeeded in traveling back in time, he suffered a fatal crash, but his death still set events in motion that altered the outcome of the Inhuman Alliance’s attack, preventing this future from coming to pass. Because the Wings of Time took Jack to the past of his own timeline, without splitting the timeline, this apocalyptic future no longer exists, and neither does anything originating from this future: old Jack’s corpse, his wrecked Wings of Time, and the various objects Jack had on his person all vanished when the ChaotiX decisively defeated the Inhuman Alliance.

Timeline-1990: the timeline Future Quin, Future Marley, and Alpha hail from. After Quin and Marley used the Phase Distorter to travel to the past, Alpha, still going by Caldroid, destroyed most life on Earth, found Victor’s cabin, discovered the blueprints to the Phase Distorter, destroyed the cabin, built his own Phase Distorter, and killed anyone he hadn’t already killed before leaving this timeline behind. He had a time machine, so he didn’t have to worry about Quin and Marley beating him to the past. That includes Victor and Scarface, somehow. After Alpha’s change of heart, he happily gave Calvin the location of where he abandoned his Phase Distorter, and the ChaotiX recovered it.

Timeline-1991: in this timeline, the Caldroid arrived in the present, but Future Quin and Marley didn’t. The ChaotiX lose in this timeline, too.

Timeline-1993: in this timeline, all life on Earth is mechanical in nature. The Calvin of this timeline is an officer of the One Man Army.

Timeline-1999: the timeline of “What Happens If We Fail”. Umbra was as smart as he thought he was, succeeded in stealing Calvin’s body, and proceeded to destroy several planets before the O.M.A. finally neutralised him.

Timeline-2009: the timeline “Vlad the Implier” takes place in. In this timeline, a fluffy’s head can be made to explode by excessive use of the >implying meme. This glitch was ironed out of the fluffy genome in most timelines.

Timeline-2015: the Caldroid of this timeline succeeded in finding all seven Omega Drives, thanks to a tip from CQK-9891.

Timeline-2017: in this timeline, Ianos succeeded in turning Calvin into a vampire. This Calvin was staked by CQK-573, though he isn’t the only alternate Calvin who got turned.

Timeline-2021: more or less identical to Timeline-0: just regular humans. So one of the boring ones.

Timeline-2149: in this timeline, Earth has been devastated by a zombie plague of unknown origin. Calvin, Marley, Pierre, the Fondas, and Blueberry are known to be infected.

Timeline-9890: In this timeline, Marley crossed Threshold X at the time Calvin would have in most other timelines. It drove Marley completely insane.

Timeline-9891: in this timeline, Chris Oldman got everything he wanted, fucked up, threw it all away, and was then killed by Calvin, who had been driven completely insane by his powers awakening. Calvin proceeded to murder the officers of the O.M.A. sent in to neutralise him, stole their multiverse traversable tech, tore his universe apart, and then escaped into another timeline. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Timeline-159999: in this timeline, Seth is evil, and used his aerokinesis to murder this timeline’s Calvin by forcing the air out of his lungs.

Timeline-195518: in this timeline, Jack’s powers over time corrupted him, leading to him tinkering with the timeline however he pleases. The native Calvin was aged to dust when he tried to stop Jack.

Timeline-198804: in this timeline, Reilly Peterson bonded with a symbiotic entity that crash-landed in Central Park, becoming a much more ruthless and malevolent Venom than the Venom of Timeline-1989. It was Reilly who corrupted the Klyntar, not the other way around.

Timeline-199336: in this timeline, Xanitas transformed into his unique Super Saingan form, and promptly wiped out the entire Saingan population of Vajarsi, and killed Calvin. The planet was subsequently abandoned, claimed by Xanitas and the local wildlife. Xanitas, going by his birth name of Mokoto, has gone completely feral, and seems to be unable to revert to base form.

Timeline-199401: in this timeline, the Hoskins brothers are evil, and apparently have drastically different taste in clothing. Whether they are still plumbers is unknown.

Timeline-200011: in this timeline, Victor is an amoral scumbag working for the Abuse Syndicate. He assassinated this timeline’s Pierre.

Timeline-200410: in this timeline, Andre is a gangbanger, having fallen in with the wrong crowd in his youth, instead of befriending Calvin, Seth and Dave.

Timeline-202010: in this timeline, the Earth has fallen under the rule of FauCorp, and has become a cyberpunk dystopia ruled by the CEO. Fluffies are extinct in this timeline, due to a techno-organic plague released by the CEO.

Timeline-242424: in this timeline, Pierre is evil, and rules the Earth, and most of the Milky Way Galaxy with a literal iron fist. The ChaotiX is known as Squadron X in this timeline, and they have no choice but to enforce Pierre’s rule.

Timeline-271986: in this timeline, Drakonia is a scorched wasteland, and dragons openly wage war against each other. The native Edward is most likely responsible.

Timeline-444444: in this timeline, Dehak lured Deston to Drakonia, and stole his body, hoping to get revenge on François. Evidently, he succeeded, as both Earth and Magicca are dead worlds, only inhabited by Dehak’s undead thralls.

Timeline-819725: in this timeline, Judy is the Archmage, a shameless necromancer, and evil. She became Archmage by killing and zombifying Deston. She also zombified her Calvin.

Timeline-881129: in this timeline, Calvin and Tema are both dead by Konba’s hand, and the arrogant young Saingan has become Gallo of Vajarsi.

Timeline-999999: in this timeline, Phenomenon X doesn’t exist, Calvin is the CEO of KorkeaCorp, and a vigilante operating under the codename Blackstar following the demise of his Marley, and Jack, after an experiment gone horribly wrong, has irrevocably become part of the fabric of time.

The Ad Laun Dyz Timelines: all timelines in which Ad Laun Dyz remained in the timestream. When Ad Laun Dyz was removed from the timestream, all of these timelines retroactively ceased to exist. Which is for the best, because in most of these timelines, the Earth was rendered a scorched wasteland, and Adam waged war against the universe. And won.


And as we all know, its turtles all the way down

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hopefully he was killed in a cool way, like a hole being punched through the abdomen.

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He tried to pull a “Dormammu! I’ve come to bargain!” on CQK-9891. The latter flipped it on him.

So he probably died in a lot of cool ways before he died for real.

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1888 would be better. 18 and 88 are the “nazi”-numbers in germany. 18 “stands” for AH (Adolf Hitler) and 88 for HH (Heil H****r).


I was pretty sure it was 1488.

But I changed it. I used the old number for another Hitler-related timeline. Thanks for the feedback.

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No problem. Like to help. The new 1488 is also not bad.

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Yup, I have a hunch that WW2 would have happened whether or not Hitler was in the equation. Germany was a powder keg after the first World War, and if Hitler wasn’t the asshole who lit the fuse, someone else would probably be that asshole. Maybe the Holocaust wouldn’t happen with someone else as Fuhrer, or maybe whoever became Fuhrer instead of Hitler would still hate Jews, and the only real difference would be the name of the asshole who set all that shit in motion.

That, and WW2 was such a massive, world-changing event, it’s hard to imagine what the world would be like without it. To prevent WW2, you’d have to prevent WW1, and to prevent WW1 you’d have to prevent Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination, and to prevent that… where does it end? Shooting the first living thing to crawl out of the ocean?

Did you know that, before WW2, people called the first one “The War To End All Wars”?

The joke was on them, huh?

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time fuckery

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That Jack makes his first appearance during the Intergalactic Tournament Saga, by the way.

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oh fuck is he kinda based on strange supreme from marvel what if

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wait does that mean the Jack of this timeline is a big muscular woman who wears like, jeans and a jacket

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