To the Window (artist_jberg360)

I think thats built into many of the “justice” works, since no matter how terrible or saintly a Fluffy just pleads its innocent and only exists to be happy.

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I recall hearing a good breakdown of it but I don’t recall where.

A quick googling says its born out of a transactional mindset, where instead of paying for a good time they’re putting out the attempt at something mutual.

Which does kind of make sense. A person who pays money for sex feels entitled to degrade as part of the act, the dick pic hookup attempt results in the entitled douchebag only if it fails.

Plus exhibitionism is a thing too. It explains why random dick pics get sent, though not why they would want a followup. Most folks don’t tend to be interested in hearing how the people who saw them flash or fuck felt about it.


One of my old favorites! Such a perfect juxtaposition between cute innocence and oblivious lewdness - made all the funnier when the mare actually recognizes it! :rofl:


Reminds me of a discussion I had in Discord once:

-Do you want to see my balls?
-No, not really.
posts them anyway
-Sorry! I posted in the wrong chat!

If that was an accident, I wonder how many girls he was posting photos specifically of his balls to at that moment.




I see all sorts of abuse/moronbox potential here.

What happens if it’s freezing cold out?
What happens if the mare has a human friend with a BB gun and a teenager’s sense of disrespect for property?
What happens if the window is open just a crack and the fluffy jars it loose? (“SLAM!”)


I’ve always loved this one xD


That face of disgust is perfect


1.- Mare rejects him. Stallion: “Stupie mawe am onwy enfie mawe! Nu desewve wuv ow housie ow toysies! Stupie nu pwetty mawe!! Get fowevah sweppies!!”

2.- Mare ask if stallion has a high luxury life.
A.- Yes: “Stawwion su pwetty! Mawe wan be spwciaw fwiend an bestest housie an sketties aww days!! Stawwion am su pwetty an stwong an bwave! Can pwetty mawe hav sketties nao?”
B.- No: “Nu wan stupie dummy stawwion! Take foweva sweppies stupie, dummy fwuffy! Nu one wuvs you! Nu mawe giv u speciaw huggies evah!”

3.- Considering fluffies tend to be so basic on nature and mares are obsessed with babies, she goes for it.

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One of the all time greats. Impossible to forget or unsee.


I guess her answer is no.

well not everyday, but yeah this on DM

I didn’t realize I had an emoticon!
:eww: :eww: :eww: :eww: :eww:


You do now!
Thank you to @StoneRouge for making the necessary edits.


Mare: Da fwuff? Gun tu gu housies nao, nebbeh wun wai. Dummeh Munstah babbehs ebbie pwace.

Bored Stallion: Hab bigges bow skettis! Ou hab!

Mare: Am wub skettis, need foh twip tu housies.

She eats a bowl of skettis, and is sleeping afterwards, having spent a lot of energy running away. She wakes up to pleasure. Forbidden pleasure, the reason why she ran

Mare: Nu! Nu! Stahp! Nu wan!, wes wan, nu stahp, b-b-esses ebbah, keep going, wes, wes, harder, deeper, wes!

The given in pleasure was too much. Strangely enough, unknown to her or the stallion, there won’t be any Babbehs. The stress of the event caused the babies to die after being fertilized.

Human: Why are you here?

Mare: Wun aways from housies, but nu want tu

Human: You can go home, I will call Lady Catherine and let her know that you are here.

Mare: Tankju nice mistah, foh skettis, foh wahm pwace and bwinging am housies

Human: No worries about it. Let’s go to the living room and wait for the driver to pick you up.

Mare: Ou hab teebee? Peasont hab teebee?

Human: Yes, even non Royalty have TVs

Literally what girls think everyone around them are like

That little shit needs a trip to the vet. Or the kitchen where the cheese grater is stored.

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So uhh, did nobody notice the typo of the artist’s name in the title ?

I can’t even get my own name right

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Well i wont tell, if you wont.