Too Sensitive (Prologue) [By: Jejjick]

Too Sensitive (Prologue):

In a sleepy forest just outside of town by the old industrial park, a fluffy family is beginning to stir from their slumber. Their humble nest was laid out inside a thick bush, within which dwells a lavender purple earthie mummah with a forest green mane. She awakens in her safe nestie to the hungry peeps of her children. She’s delighted by the sound as all mummahs are and greets them cheerfully with a “Gud bwight time babbehs! Nu wowwy, mummah haf wots ob miwkies fo aww babbehs!”.

With that, she picks up the two closest within her reach to place on her teats, nursing them in no particular order; she’s a good mummah after all. The two up first suckling away are a caramel brown colored earthie and a red unicorn, both fillies. Three foals remain waiting to be fed, peeping but content to be in their mummah’s presence waiting for their breakfast. These little ones are a royal blue pegasus colt, its tiny wings buzzing with great excitement for the day, and two more unicorn colts, one gray and the other a slightly chubby powder blue.

While looking over her litter beaming with happiness as the first two are nursing, the gray unicorn colt slowly opens his tiny see places. Revealed are two precious baby blue eyes, staring blearily but lovingly up at mummah as it adjusts to the bright new world. The mare squeals with joy. This is one of the most precious moments for a fluffy mummah. With careful movement so as to not disturb the currently nursing foals, mummah reaches to pick up her newly seeing foal and gives it loving lickie cleanies and huggies, telling the little one how much she loves it and how proud she is that it opened its eyes for her.

Then, an even more miraculous moment, the little one peeps happily and says “wub mummah!” Its first words! The mare is so overjoyed at this she gives it the biggest huggies and reaffirms to it “das wight babbeh, am youw mummah!”, with happy tears soaking her fluffy face. Soon another word is heard, as a tiny voice squeaks out “mummah?”. It’s her precious blue wingie babbeh! In her elation she scoops it up to also receive upsies and huggies. Pegasus fluffies love upsides oh so much, with mummah cooing proudly over her two talkie foals as they hug her back with all their might. This process repeats another two times, first with the red unicorn once it finishes its meal, and finally the caramel earthie. All that remains is the powder blue unicorn colt, getting its turn to suckle at last.

He wasn’t as rambunctious as his siblings, typically preferring to stay perched in mummah’s fluff to wiggle around and chirp, joyously basking in her warmth. Him being last to feed was the only conscious choice in ordering her foals this mare would make, as the baby unicorn was a hungry growing boy and was always eager for as much milkies as he could drink. If he went first there might not be enough to fill the bellies of the other babbehs! That was absolutely unacceptable, so he had to wait his turn. She didn’t have the heart to pull him off her teat before he was satisfied, so she was content to spoil him a bit with his extra long feeding sessions when everyone else had gotten their fill. He remained latched on for a good few minutes longer as his siblings were enamored by the world around them, eager to “spwouwe” the vast foliage that was their small bush home.

Mummah was overcome with joy by the events of the day, watching over her exploring brood and crying more happy tears. She was absentmindedly humming a mummah song to all the foals as she waited for her last little babbeh to open up his eyes. He had just finished his milkies and waddled blindly to her front to nestle below her, evidently not feeling up to playing with his siblings. His mummah wanted so badly for him to be able to see her, who loved him so very very much.

Unfortunately, today would not be the day. As the family lazed about enjoying their time as a happy little herd, mummah couldn’t help but feel anxious that her last foal hasn’t opened his eyes yet. All the others had opened theirs very soon after one another… Was something wrong? She would be lying if she said she wasn’t disappointed and maybe a bit scared, but some remnant of her ancestors’ factory breeder programming told her that babbeh just wasn’t ready yet to see the beautiful world of huggies and wub around him.

With this knowledge applied unquestioned, mummah looked down to the foal nestled below her and embraced it, whispeing “Iss otay babbeh, yu nu open see pwaces tiww yu weady. Mummah an bwuddas an sissies wub yu su bewy muchies. Can’ wait fo yu tu see an pway!”. The mare cooed the last part softly as encouragement, with her sleepy little blue babbeh resting happily with intermittent chirps in between her front hoofsies. She laid comfortably on her belly where she could look down at her sightless babbeh, allowing him to bury himself as best he could in her warm chest fluff. As much as she wanted to stay like that forever, she had other babbehs to watch too and shifted her gaze back and forth regularly to make sure all was well.

After such an eventful day it was getting near dawkie time and everyone was feeling tired, so mummah called out to her straggling foals who wanted to play around the nest after dinner. The toddling balls of fluff made their way over as quickly as they could at the call, climbing awkwardly up mummah’s side to curl up in a fluffpile on her back. Fluffies all had it ingrained in their programming that mummah’s back was the bestest safest place for a babbeh to be, depsite how obviously flawed this idea was. The blue unicorn was the only one not in the pile, still tuckered out from a whole lot of nothing and remained resting in front of his mummah. She curled her front weggies around him into a big bed time huggie, eliciting sleepy peeps of bliss as she began to sing a sweepie time mummah song for all the foals:

“Mummah’s wittwe babbehs nee dey sweepies, gwow su big an stwong fwom pwayin aww day. Mummah nu wet da munstahs com an git you, safe in da nestie fo aww dawk time.”

It predictably had no tune to speak of and barely counted as a song. Mummah’s wonky vocals weren’t in anything resembling a key, but to the slumbering fluffs this was the most calming thing imaginable. Just hearing their mother’s voice was enough to lull them into a sense of safety and happiness, only matched by the feeling of having a human mummah or daddeh. Mummah briefly worried that maybe her last babbeh would open his see places in the night when everyone was sleeping and she’d miss it! This worry was quickly dispelled as she giggled to herself, thinking “mummah so siwwy, nu can open see pwaces when makin sweepies!” As the mare felt her fluffpile babbehs on her back breathing in sleepie rhythms, she looked down to her special unicorn who was snoozing away, drooling all over his face as he dreamed. She smiled with soft coos escaping her lips, giving his rotund baby face a gentle wipe so as to not wake him before closing her eyes herself. She rested her head beside the unicorn, nuzzling him into her cheek while keeping him netsled in her chest fluff. As sleep finally took her, she whispered sweetly in his ear: “Nu be scawed babbeh, mummah nu wet babbehs hab huwties ow scawdies. You awways be mummah’s pweshus wittwe sensitibe babbeh.”

(I was initially writing this to brainstorm ideas for an upcoming comic, but it ended up being more fun to just write this as a bit of a prologue. I’m very tired as a I post this so I apologize if there’s any stupid errors or just generally poor writing, I’ll probably come back and see if there’s anything to fix later. Hope you guys enjoy the read regardless, it’s pretty short and sweet but no worries for the nefarious among you. This is not going to end well.)


Nice work. The SBS renaissance is upon us.


I have a feeling I’m going to enjoy what comes next.

Love your work as always, Jejjick.


Can’t wait for more. Continue the SBS Foal revival!!!

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what a cute little family.

the SBS boi might just have a chance of survival, at least until the milk dries up.

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Absolutely love SBS. If fluffies were real I’d have two of them and a nurse mare to take care of the little fellas. Speaking of fellas, is SBS strictly a defect among colts? Every senstibe babbeh story I can recall featured colts, not fillies.


That retard will doom the whole litter.
I love it

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I actually have a whole story planned about an SBS filly, but you’re right in that they’re mostly depicted as colts. I think it’s just because they’re more pathetic as useless little mama’s boys lol.