Trials and Tribulations Ch. 7 (by fluffysomething)

You are Greenie, and you have the worstest scardies! Your mummah is trying to give your hurties! She’s not taking your leggies, but she’s-

“Nuuu! Nu wike jaw! Wet Gweenie out! Wai tay-ke finkie-pwace and headsie and put in jaw? Am gud fwuffy!” You yell, not able to move or do anything due to your demotion to a literal head in a jar.

“I told you you’d never hurt someone’s special-friend again. I was right.” Your mummah shrugs, picking up your jar and leaving your remains in a big red bag.

You are FV-0446, and you are staying up for your babies! You don’t want them to get hurt, but it’s been a bit, and you’re starting to get tired.

“Whewe bay-bees!? Bay-bees!? Whewe 'ou gu?” You say, almost brought to tears by the visual lack of your babies.

“Peep! Squeak, peep! Peep!” You hear one of your babies squeak and peep, doing who-knows-what. It’s coming from downstairs!

“Bay-bees… Nu maek saddies… Am hewe nyow…!” You sigh tiredly, your babies in a red bag. Your babies aren’t trash! Who put them in there?

When you look closer, you see them chewing… something. Something green. Did they give forever-night-nights to Greenie?

“Bay-bees… Pwease nu num Gween…! Am bad…” You groan, taking the babies off of Green and going back upstairs.

“Wait, FV-0446! What were your babies doing to Greenie?” Your mommy asks, standing at the top of the stairs.

“Nufing…” You yawn, trying to forget what you just saw them doing.

“It looked like they were eating him. Here, let me have your babies for a second.” Your mommy walks over to you, taking your babies as you try to grab them back from her.

“Nuuuu! Giv Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks bak bay-bees! Nu tay-ke bay-bees fwom pawentaw viwus! Nu am wight!” You say, running to your mommy’s special room as the door closes behind her.

You are Dr. Harriet Roseman, and you are currently taking notes. Again. Though, this time, it’s on FV-0446’s babies.

Day 7

A day of notes was skipped in mourning for FV-7410. FV-0446’s babies seem to be, in most senses of the term, flesh-eating little viruses. I caught FV-0446 trying to stop them from eating Greenie’s remains, but to little avail. Speaking of Greenie, it’s ensured that he’ll never even touch someone’s “special-friend” again. Not by taking his legs, but by making him a quite literal head in a jar for me to play around with.

“Peep! Squeak! Peep!” You hear one of FV-0446’s babies peep and squeak, wiggling towards the bag of Greenie’s remains.

“No, no eating that. FV-0446, I’m sorry. I’ll have to give ‘pokie-owwies’ to your babies.” You open the door, pointing at the babies and then pointing at the small syringe you picked up.

“Nuuu! Nu giv owwies tu bay-bees! Nu du that!” They scream, knocking rapidly on the door as you close and lock it.

“Peep! Peep! Peeeeeeeeep! Peeeeeeeeeeep!” One of the babies peeps, trying to move away from you with its small, stubby arms and legs as you graze it with the needle.

“Nuuuuu! Mom-mee, nu huwt bay-bees! Nu am wight! Nu am wight!” You hear FV-0446 sob from the other side of the door, banging on the door again in a desperate attempt to try and open it.

“FV-0446, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to hurt your babies, this is all for research. Your babies could be very important when it comes to studying Bestest Sickie Friends.” You open the door again to speak to FV-0446, closing it soon after and wrpaping their babies up in a large blanket.

“Mom-mee… Mom-mee giv pokie-owwies tu bay-bees…” FV-0446 cries, sobbing into the blanket and slowly taking their babies out of it.

“You look like you haven’t slept. Here, go upstairs and rest.” You sigh, picking them up along with their babies and laying them down in their safe-room.


Head In A Jar, the worst state for a Fluffy to be.

I won’t say you deserved it Greenie, but them’s the breaks.

I’m wondering if now that 0446 is a single parent and is more protective of their young, will Harriet’s invasive experiments cause 0446 to act out more, maybe even become rebellious.