Trying to find a comic I've read somewhat recently

I think he’s mentioning that story where a mare runs out, and finds a blue fluffy to have babbehs, gets free food dancing on the park and etc
it was pretty good but can’t find it too xD

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oooooor he’s mentioning the other where after they return home, the owner is angry and the stallion basically runs away (lmao)

can’t remenber both stories names, sorry my memory is not the best :1

If you could remember the artist, that would narrow it down.

Fillmore a unicorns tale perhaps

I can’t :frowning:
all I remenber was that it was a pretty famous story, artist even promissed to continue it I think last year ?

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I think I came across the Fillmore comic on reddit I think- cute, but not what I’m looking for

I don’t think that’s it, but now I want to read it

Nice, but not it :frowning:

I vaguely remember seeing something I think was similar style wise…but ofc I can’t find it

I remember seeing this recently, like maybe as recently as yesterday, but I can’t find it.

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Here, or on reddit?

Def. here.

Isn’t there an option to search for only posts you’ve seen/clicked on before?

I’ve just spent the last 30 mins doing that, haha. No dice. I must not have clicked “like” on it shrug

I just remenber that prob the name of the story was the name of the mare, it was a color or something like this I think

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Nnnnooo D:
Remember any of the tags?

I found it.

I don’t think its what he is looking for though.

oh dude, that’s it!
I think muffinman was gonna continue that story

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It isn’t :frowning:

My insane visually-cued memory is sometimes good for something haha.

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