What’s True in Your Headcanon? Round Two! (by Newb_ronswek)






  1. True! They’re just easily swayed in general.
  2. I have not thought about this and hopefully will not again.
  3. Probably true, but they would just leak before that happens.
  4. 50/50! It at least isn’t painless.
  5. False - bugs are friends, too. :slight_smile:
  6. There’s drugs for that? … There’s a market for drugs like that? … Probably false, if only due to lack of drugs.

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“Unlike other quadrupeds” my foot! I’ve never heard of a single animal, natural or otherwise, that doesn’t experience massive pain while in labor!

  1. Definitely, they were designed to obey and please their owners as toys above all else.

  2. For sure; anything that would hinder something necessary for them to remain alive is probably something Hasbio hardcoded with a warning (eyes, mouth, teeth, legs, butt). This is why they get so upset at “missing” a leg if you trick them into thinking it’s gone (or if you just remove them).

  3. Probably, I’ve always thought Hasbio wasn’t super far along with “breeding” and regular reproduction in their “product” by the time they became vermin that you could find everywhere.

  4. Like #3 probably. Something Hasbio left unfinished and tried to work in later after making the “perfect cute living toy” (aka a really poor excuse for an “animal” as far as function/evolution goes).

  5. Definitely. I see stuff like this as the same as their response to alicorns. If fluffies are hardcoded to dislike or avoid something (or not programmed to handle something at all), that can be changed with their super limited capacity to learn.

  6. I don’t think you need drugs to make them fight. I think in general they’re trusting and ignorant, meaning you can lie to them and make them do practically anything as long as they don’t see it as “scary”. You could probably just tell each fluffy the other is a “bad fluffy” and they’d fight right off the bat at least for a little bit.

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  1. Depends on breed, intelligence, and experience. Fluffies are influenced to varying degrees by programming or experience and instincts from their genetic ancestors, with some rare cases exhibiting signs of inherited memories. The more they rely on programming due to choice or a lack of ability to think on their own, the less that will react or be changed by external stimuli. Natural selection has somewhat weeded out dumbest varieties that cannot be trained to recognize new forms of food or understand threats, but it is an unfortunate trend that the breeds with more toyetic proportions and rare coats show less of their own thought.

  2. False. As previously stated, some rely exclusively on programming while others ignore it almost entirely. Due to the degradation of programming integrity in some cases the preprogrammed aversion and “culture” regarding anal activity is not present or functional, leading to Fluffies accepting anal contact from sniffing to stimulation. Only some breeds seem to have the programming at all as some early G1 variations (notably the more advanced and mentally stable ones) are averse only to violent and surprise contact rather than the feeling itself. Later generation Fluffies, mainly the cheaper ones, often had reinforced core programming via partial rediscovery of original programming procedures during [redacted] which resulted in hysterical fear, anger, or grief at common stimuli including anal contact or discussion.

  3. Yes and no. Even within the same breed differences between the nuances of breeding have been found. Possibly a feature of the incomplete design process when the first Fluffies were released or an inability to remove it from later generations Fluffy reproduction is subject to radically extreme reactions from environment and natural selection. Sadly unless dealing with a purebred and well-understood breed it can feel random what Fluffy biological reactions can be, as mill workers can attest. Anecdotal evidence may state a milkbag with fluff removed will never run dry, others that the loss of eyes results in milk separation during storage, that stimulation every ten minutes is necessary to maintain lactation, that lactation begins at puberty or from fear in their first life threatening experience. While individual cases have been proven, they have not been easily or reliably replicated by others. Clever breeders and supply producers often take to sampling exclusively from known or local populations, breeding or removing ovaries for use in surrogates from Fluffies that hit a “sweet spot” of predictable and desirable production. As for domestic or amateur breeders, cycling through a Feral or adoption population is advised, the former especially if Fluffies are subject to local cruelty laws.

  4. True. While some cases have been found of Fluffies that feel little to no birthing pain they have so far been only documented on recordings of Abusers tearing through a Feral population at a high rate, and no survivors of their bloodlines were known after the videos were uploaded. Likely this is due to the extreme natural selection factors on high populations in high cruelty areas, and has not been documented among non-Abuser hobbyists. In spite of the various bounties offered for a living painfree birth Fluffy from breeding houses and hobbyists as well as the severe harassment and doxxing of Abusers who admit to destroying efficient birth Fluffies it is still seen as both a disappointment in need of punishment and bragging rep to eliminate such things from the global Fluffy genepool. At the time of writing the highest value offer is a 40% stake in Allrightcorn luxury breeders and a $236,000 cash bonus for successfully introducing the trait to at least six Allrightcorn breeders, while the most recent destruction was Emanuel McKay AKA xxDrDrillmemento58008xx who discovered a brown Mare delivering silently in his box of “to do projects” and promptly filled her uterus with molten lead originally intended for a Smarty’s stomach on a livestream.

  5. True. Its not known if the fear of almost everything or the lack of fear of anything stems from programming or personality, but across all breeds it is often a coinflip how they react. Since small spiders are often rarely a threat to most large Fluffy breeds they may have no negative reaction to being swarmed. Such Fluffies are employed by some owners as “squishers” if they lack empathy towards smaller creatures (or are more afraid than ashamed) while others are used by more merciful owners to carry spiders outside to safety in their fluff. In tropical climates jumping spiders have been observed in a mutual relationship with Fluffies as a home and source of flying insects.

  6. True. Almost all Fluffies are highly susceptible to hormonal changes, artificial or not. Only the correct dose is the question, as it is easy to poison most breeds. While some have no issues entering into fights or indeed can hardly be prevented from it, almost any Fluffy can be induced to fight artificially. “Chirpie fights” recently became a Kik Kok craze as the rapid spasming and unsettling noises in Fluffpiles was found to be amusing alongside the distress of confused Mares and the results of frequent drugging being seemingly emotionally dead Fluffies who still “go through the motions” of stabdard Fluffy behavior.

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1: True, as are us humans.
2: True, unless subject to daily anal exercise.
3: Mummahs are already sufficiently tragic, so False. Apart from specially bred extra-teat pair milking mares, that is.
4: False. Again, mares have enough on their plates. With drastic exceptions, usually due to malnutrition &/or mutation: the classical example being alicorns, with all their pointy bits & larger size.
5: True. Some fluffies adapt to eating insects, though they still strongly favour the more brightly coloured ones. Fluffies who adopt spiders, or “weggie friends”, tend towards being more discerning than the average fluffy, often disturbingly so.
6: True, especially for purebreds, who retain the originals susceptibility to chemical manipulation. Though hellgremlins, be they so due to breeding, hardship, or personal inclination, can manage all too easily without such stimulants.

  1. Absolutely! They were designed for play and companionship, so being easily influenced is a must!
  2. Only somewhat. They’re definitely coded to avoid “bad touchies”, but it’s not an automatic panic reaction. After all, a fluffy suddenly screaming about it’s poopy-place being touched when it’s inapproriate would only draw more attention to non-childsafe topics.
  3. Not in my headcanon.
  4. As wide-bodied critters with tiny babies, I think fluffies handle birth relatively easily.
  5. Completely possible. To the point that it might be a coin toss whether they’d even be afraid of insects and spiders in the first place without negative experiences.
  6. Yes, and quite possibly the only way.
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My canon has yet to be established.
Observing others of FC this way, i will make one, eventually.