Wittew Wion Fwuff 18 by Motowhed

Leonidas returned to his herd, a group of strike anywhere matches stuffed carefully and securely in his fluff. He took his foals back from the mummah who had been babysitting them and lavished every bit of attention on them that he could. When the time came for the herd to move again, Leo picked sure strong routes that took them skirting by the houses on the edge of town, led them to water, and even avoided the territories of barkie-munstahs and other herds.

He finally found them a cave with a fallen oak tree that blocked the entrance enough that only one fluffy could enter at a time. The rocks of the cave were sun warmed, which made the cave air warm, but kept the floor cool. A river ran nearby, unbeknownst to the herd it was the source of their own former nests creek. Spread out near the rocks were many wild bushes of berries and fruits and a short scouting mission revealed they were not far from the city dumping ground, with a fluffy sized hole in the fence. Most of the herd didn’t believe it was possible but this new nest was actually an improvement over the old one. It was when the new heard was settled and some of the stallions had begun digging new Warren’s into the soft earth of the nesting area that Leo announced he was leaving.

The herd was understandably aghast and begged him to stay. But Leo firmly told them that he was leaving the herd and taking his foals with him. When the council of elders asked him why, Leo simply told them it was necessary. He had shared all of his knowledge with them and now it was time to go. “Siwksees hewd neva stop comin to kiww Weo, an Weo nu wan any moa fwuffies huwt cause ob Weo.” There was crying and sobs by some of the more dramatic mares but the council agreed. Leo picked a stallion named Jango as his successor, both for his cool head during herd disputes and his prowess in fights. The council voted and he was elected…against his will. Leo told him that when Jango became smarty he was Jango no more and his new namesie was Spartan and that it was his job to gather all the knowledge he could and pass it onto the next Spartan when it was time for Jango to step down. Spartan cried and told Leo he was frightened for the future but Leo patted his shoulder and told him “Do da wite fing, especawwy when it am scawwy oa huwties. Be faiw wiff hewd. An wememba, if da punishmen’ fo a cwime is foweba sweepies…den fwuffy dat say da wowdsies gotta be fwuffu dat give da hoovsies.”

With that Leo gathered his foals and walked away from the herd. It would be the last time they saw him.

Leo walked through the edge of the town, his sense of direction much better than it had been. He finally found himself in front of the apartment complex that Daddeh lived in. The walked the way back to his old home with Daddeh and set his 3 foals down on the welcome mat…and raised his hoof, knocking on the door.

Anon had returned to a dark, empty house. After more than a year away serving the military as a test pilot for a new drone mech, they had finally decided to allow him to go home. But…was this home anymore? He wandered the rooms, gazing at the long darkened safe room, everything looking dusty and sad. He felt tears brimming his eyes. The apartment felt cavernous after his cramped quarters and felt haunted by the two shining joyous lives he had shared the space with. He went to close the safe room door.

And heard a knock. A little one, like it was made with leathery hooves.

Anon rushed over to the door and opened it to find 3 chirping wiggling foals on his welcome mat. Looking around he was confused. Who would abandon foals on his doorstep? Why him? Wh-

“Leo?” He called, knowing that he was being watched, hoping against hope. He has visited the little memorial for Clyntius in Little John’s backyard as soon as he was home, but he had always hoped, and feared, since Leonidas had never been found. Anon lowered his head, putting a bunch of hopes and dreams together with facts. He know Leo was watching, and he said the things he’d always meant to say, the things he’d lost any chance to say.

“Leo daddy still loves you, I will always love you, you have made me so proud and I miss you every day. Wherever you are, Wherever you go, always remember how much I love you, Little Lion. Ha-ooh…”

He picked up the three chirping Alicorn foals and knew in that instant he was right. Smiling through his tears, he spoke softly “Come on in little ones, I got some FluffyFuel I think you’re gonna like.” He carried him in and closed the door,. Leo watched from under a nearby bush as Daddeh took in his 3 children, knowing it was the best chance they had at a good life. As he silently wept his last tears, he watched his Daddeh close the door for the last time and mumbled “Weo wub joo tuu daddeh. Foweba n ebah. Be guud.”

Then he stood and walked back out of the apartment complex, tracing his way down the road and into the woods. His heart sad and yet lighter.

Leonidas wandered through the brush, snacking half-heartedly on berries and sweet leaves as he walked. He knew if he dicked around here long enough that…ah-ha! A green fluffy with an amber yellow mane stepped out of the bushes near him, followed by a black eyed mute black and silver stallion. Before either could speak Leo had bowled them over and stood with his hoof on the black stallions throat.
“Wissen tu Weo!” He shouted at the green fluffy, and when it looked up he stomped, crushing the black stallions windpipe. “Awe just wistening nao wittew smawty?” The green fluffy shit himself and began to sob quietly. “Teww yoa Siwksees dat Weonidas cawws fo him. Teww him com an bwing as many fwens as he dawes. Teww him dat we end dis ting. Teww him tu ge’ his fatty gowden ass oba hewe for da whuppin’ o’ his pafetic beech-made 'wife.” The fluffy turned and even darker shade of green and only fled when Leo nipped at his legs.

After watching the fluffy sprint off, Leo returned to his old nest. He ate well, and slept fitfully in the empty bed he had once shared with Nike and his foals. When dawn broke he roused himself and began to prepare.

Leo took sharp sticks and stuck them under the small berm in front of the clearing at the nest. Then he gathered as much dry moss, bark, and grasses as he could and stuffed them into his former home and pulled all of the dry grass moss and leaves he could find and made a line from the nest under the fallen tree on the opposite side of the clearing from the creek. He retrieved the two little spears made from water moccasin fangs that he’d slid inside of sticks. He sat down next to a rock and used it to sharpen his horn, honing the point until the tip was able to slip through a piece of tough dry bark like Whether it was futile or not, he felt satisfied

A low rumbling and crack came from off in the distance as the sun finally hid its face from the night to come. Looking out over the forest, Leo saw a storm approaching. He knew what hid in the dark of that storm and he was ready. He struck one of the matches he had and lit the pile of moss and bark inside the nest, walking outside to wait for it to build. He stuck one little spear in the mud next to him, gripping the other in his teeth. The stars were out in full dazzling force that night, and he looked up one more time.

Leonidas sat, armed, alone, defiant to the end as the storm approached.


Ben Approves…

And so do i, holy fuck man.