"A life of her own", or "Independence" by Carpdime

From what I’ve seen fluffies, while they have their preference for sketties, are omnivores that could survive off of nearly anything, natural predators would not be worse than human attempts to eliminate them(let alone the fact that there are still predators in the city such as cats eating their babies), and what reliable source of heat does a feral fluffy have exactly?
Also how is this not dangerous terrain?


Their second favorite food is always something pretty, witch include almost all of the poisonous plants, berries and mushrooms.

Natural predators don’t have a chance of adopting you or bringing you to the shelter.

Simple. heat pipes and boilers

It’s still easier to avoid then a sheer cliff or a swamp which can suck in you and your baby’s without warning.
Being a feral always suck, but being a feral close to civilization sucks a little bit less.


“Id prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” -Thomas Jefferson


ALSO while I am at it

1)fluffies have no means to understand how exactly is this a problem.
2)desire to have more babies is genetic. It also the only reason they survived outside of our homes in the first place

Bad parts are definitely coming, but it doesn’t mean they will have bad ending. You can’t know how life will turn

It’s still genetic + they aren’t smart enough to pinpoint the exact reason why we don’t want give ALL of them homes, love and hugs


Their second favorite food is always something pretty, witch include almost all of the poisonous plants, berries and mushrooms.

Simple. heat pipes and boilers

You are arguing that fluffys are smart enough to seek out and build their homes around exposed heat pipes and boilers, but not smart enough to avoid eating the same things that they would see kill other fluffys.

Natural predators don’t have a chance of adopting you or bringing you to the shelter.

Natural predators also don’t have this or put out these and in the city aside from humans there are other threats.

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No. This is bad. They are an invasive species that would destroy any ecosystem they are in. Australian rabbit plague style.

I have my problems with this headcanon/hivecanon because it assumes that fluffies are “capable” of that extent. The fact that you mentioned this pic only proves my opinion that can’t really be vermin to that scale, because those rabbit are also capable of surviving and breeding to the extent of accounting for their loss. From the way fluffy mentality is depicted as being below even rats, I highly doubt that they’d be capable of that level of survival. Its a problem I have with the abuser headcanon concerning overpopulation, that its a case of them having their own cake and eating it.

that reasoning is in most stories almost soley towards finding special friends and making bebbehs

I feel that is a flaw in many stories as they overly focus on this, or assume fluffies only do this. Some stories have fluffies try to find their way back home, and I know I wrote a story like that. Others may have fluffies just try to survive without an interest in relationships. Flufflies are malleable enough that you can tell the story you want, but the problem is certain people only want to tell a certain story with them

Overpopulation in the cities is what leads to all the abuse and gore and suffering, especially of ferals. You didn’t write a happy ending here; you just stopped before the bad parts coming.

Which depends on headcanon. And a pic doesn’t have to state that its part of the canon. I can easily assume that this story may take place in a different fluffy setting where fluffies aren’t overlypopulated just yet. And while its true that Carpdime has depicted fluffy extermination stories and pictures in the past, he has also depicted fluffies co-existing and surviving well enough. Point is, Carpdime ahs told many different stories, and one doesn’t have to assume they all exist in the same world.

escapes outside of the city

As @Mr_Owl put it well, a fluffy has a better chance of surviving in a city then in the wild. It may be debateable but, given their existence as domestic cretaures, its like a city-dwelling human doing better in a human settlement. Thats what we’re made for. (though you could be a guy living in the wilds, so, maybe your case is different)

A city suits a fluffy well enough as, guess what - it has people who speak like fluffies. A chance of meeting an abuser as well as a hugboxer is about equal (and also depends on headcanon). And fluffy code is more likely to work in a city setting than in a wild setting. This is not say I don’t like writing or exploring fluffies in the wild, I just think that cities are a better place for fluffies the way theya re for humans

ake inspiration from some of the art pieces I’ve seen around here of fluffys playing D&D or working as greeters at Walmart or something.
heck, a story of a fluffy escaping and finding a secret, fully independent fluffy community would be cool

Or I’m fully aware of those. The d&d pic was done by Marcusmaximus, the Walmart fluffy was done by Mutagen, and people like KMEB, differential_sloth and others have explored the ideas of a fluffy community. And each person had their own different headcanon/approach to fluffies. As you would put it, “a different story”.

And I’m going to stress that that cardboard box does not prove that this is an infestation story.


Natural predators also don’t have this or put out these and in the city aside from humans there are other threats.

Two different stories by two different artists. Keep in mind poison spaghetti is not the same as thoise machines. There’s also the possibility that the lore about those machines was created by Abuse-sir. Point is, not all artists have relied on those machine s- I know Carpdime hasn’t drawn them


To close of, I’m going to give you a different example. And one that is not fluffy related.

Chicken Run and Leafie are both stories about poultry that escape their farm setting and escape into the wild, with the latter revolving around a hen adopting a duckling. Poultry are an invasive species, but we don’t look at both movies and think “those chicken characters need to suffer/be killed”. No, because that isn’t the point of their story. The point of their story is of a creature existing under industrial abuse, and their means of surviving it.

I will admit that both leafie and Chicken Run’s Ginger escape into their own versions of an animal society better fit for them, but whats to say that cardboard box with a lover isn’t an environment fit for the protagonist of this story by Carpdime? I’d say its just as valid, and if you don’t factor in the overpopulation, it can be enjoyed just as much. Some pictures need to be valued for what they are.

you need to fully think things out

Fair enough. I do agree that its one of things I do need to do as a hugboxer.

Agreed, And for the moment, I want to enjoy the story for what it is. A story about personal freedom, attained after slavery.


You raise some good points, I’d argue with you on whether or not fluffys would be able to overpopulate despite their lacking intelligence and whether the city is actually a safer environment for them, but I can get that it is all headcanon at this point. Apologies if I came off as whiny or anything.


Its fine. The lack of a definitive headcanon is one of the problems of fluffy fiction, as well as one of its strengths. Its a double edged sword. The problem however is that some people like to act as if some canon is stronger or “more valid” than others and have harassed other people in the past, as some abusers have been known to do with hugboxers in the past.


Seconded, all of this. Seeing how ferals live is at least as interesting as seeing them die, except that it has WAY more untapped potential.

The excessive focus on suffering has definitely been an early step towards hellgremlins due to the just world fallacy. Actually, the parallels between hellgremlins and 4chan’s “tard stories” is something so notable it would almost be worth its own post in itself: First they were stories about funny things people had seen mentally handicapped people do, but as they started getting more and more fake, the parallels between fluffies started propping up. There was a period of stories that were more bullying as the authors tried to make themselves the heroes of the stories, but presumably as a response to backlash they next started being about author-protagonists dealing deserved revenge on the evil tards. Towards the end it was pretty much “canon” that all tard groups had a smarty-like leader they obeyed without question, and that they just antagonized “normals” for no reason and despite effortlessly getting their asses handed to them every time.

There was even an exactly same parallel with poop: First a tard shitting themselves was a shocking event. Then they started seemingly shitting themselves constantly, as an “well of course they would” thing that the story wouldn’t be real without. And then, like with hellgremlins, the uncontrollable shitting took a full u-turn into tards being masters of shit-based warfare, seemingly able to yank their pants off in seconds and shit any quantity at a target of their choosing.

At that point the stories died out, although with sites that still host them being notoriously full of reposts it’s impossible to say when it happened. Still, a perfect example of how nothing but abuse leads to nothing but hate, and then nothing at all when the hate gets old. It’s why I always remind even the most single-minded abusers that they should be grateful for hugboxers as they’re the ones the fandom can’t survive without, and if you don’t draw hugbox yourself you should be even more grateful for those that do.


The thing you hugbox cunts don’t seam to understand is hugbox is the default state of fluffys. Writing about the broken miserable humans who would seek to destroy something pure is much more interesting than writing about the perfect fluffy day for the hundredth time


Variety is the spice of life indeed


Sadly for her, she’s opened herself up for far more dangers. From ferals, smarties, animals, abusers, fluffy control, the weather or her name succumbing to one of those things, and since she never fended for herself she’ll probably starve.


@FluffyExpert Well to quote @Mr_Owl, it doesn’t mean they’ll have a bad ending. And perhaps the special friend is a feral whose familiar with the kind of life. Speaking as optimist, I’d like to root for them. Its also why I sometimes wish Carpdime had continued the story - because I would like to see her survive, despite the obvious precariousness that feral fluffies will face, given their disadvantages. But, and as compared to Chicken Run and Leafie, perhaps there’s something beautiful in a story that ends ambiguously. The same applies to FierceDeityLynx’s Plum, which had no definitive ending.


Now im hungry for Chinese food… Thanks.


You seem cranky. When’s the last time you ate?



i know this is hugbox ending but then

  • i come along and stomp all of them
  • the foals die because she tried to hide them
  • the daddeh dies and the momma cant feed the babbehs
  • i come along and feed them glass spagetti
  • it rains hard and they all drown
  • the trash man takes em out ( in a not friendlike way )
  • the owner finds them and doesnt make the same mistake again and locks her in a breeding cage
  • cannibal fluffy comes along and eats the babbehs while they are both asleep and after they are tramatized in the morning it gets its cannibal friends and eats the remnants
  • or a hugbox ending where @Eded_ted brings them in to (mostly) breed them both and sell the babbehs

The way she eats the sketti…hrngh!

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Can I just have those newborns? So cuuuuutttteeeeee! :cupid::cupid::cupid::cupid::gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

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