A Punished Baby Pt. 2 (Reddith83r)

I am imagining all of this as a montage with Sound of Silence playing over it.


Hewwo dawkies fwuffy fwend

Widdow (Reddit-word) am come to tawkies wif 'ou 'gain


Still salty about that ban, I take it?

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A Punished Baby (Reddith83r) (I don’t know how to link the comments section but context is over yonder)

Not really, because fuck Reddit in its entirety. If I had a choice at the time, I would never have joined that sub, lol. My dislike for Reddit stems far before I came across fluffies.

However comma

It makes for good comedy whenever I need to call someone a (Reddit-word) without summoning a mob of sods who get hurt by words, or hearing the voice inside their own heads say a word they don’t like because they read it.


Very glad i was able to help in the smallest way by saying redditor. Please read my story subverted expectations so i can feel fulfilled

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Got you fam. Read Jerry (Reddith83r) for the first time I brought (Reddit-word) into my writing after my initial ban, and also for more sad fluffies.

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This is delightful. I could read several more chapters of this. Something about a pathetic creature that is mere inches from conceding to death pushing on to live only to experience more misery makes this such a satisfying read.



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It’s okay, you can say (Reddit-word) here, this is a safe space


I was a bit worried at first that it would be antifreeze in the first bottle found. :no_mouth:

Fluffy’s not that lucky

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I’m thinking the tag #bleakbox might be appropriate for the series. @Gardel might be able to say better.


Do you intend to keep reading until the end? Madman, but I respect it!

If you don’t mind me asking, what is the Reddit word??

If you don’t mind reading it:

The "Reddit Word" is


I tried. @staff help me I am stupid.

Edited. ~V

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I generally just click on the gear, and then use the summary tag as a spoiler.

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I see why you do not say that word. Does Reddit really use it often?

Discourse does spoilers weird

Don’t ask me why they didn’t just use BBcode

[details=“Discourse does spoilers weird”]
Don’t ask me why they didn’t just use BBcode

Before I edit the text that is added by default, the “Hide Details” option looks like this

This text will be hidden



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The Reddit staff is a bunch of


and they ban people for using words they don’t like regardless of context.

At this point I forget the context of my bans. I probably called them
