Aggressive Neutralbox Pt. 3 (Reddith83r)

Tbh thats not why I’m here or even why I write this stuff. I personally like this subset of the internet and fandom, because there is so much creative freedom with the topic. Whether you do hugbox, abuse box, or true neutral; you can just let your imagination go buck wild and explore deeper themes that may not be looked well upon in other fandoms and social groups. I really don’t get why you’re here if you think you’re so much better than us, unless being an insufferable cunt is how you get off or something. No kink shaming, I just don’t want to participate in that fetish.


Stop talking reckless before I notify the CCP that you’re having free thought

You tricked a man into going to China and you’re going to claim racism when someone assumes you have ties with China?

Damn boy, I’d ask if your parents are related but you sure aren’t from Alabama!

rofl, thats quite a way with words there