Any bleakbox ideas?

Fluffies being forced to run on hamster wheels to power some sort of breeding machine


Pregnant mare get stuck in that thick, sinking type of mud in the forest to the point she can’t get out. Her special friend does his best to take care of her day after day, bringing her food and covering her up. Eventually the mud dries but she is still stuck.

Finally, the babies come but that bring up a new problem…how to fed them? Trying to free up enough room causes a foal to get smoothered in an attempt to feed. The special friend decides to break two of the front legs at the shoulder, allowing the mare to sit to feed, but the back legs are still stuck.

After enough time the back legs give in to rot, causing her to be pillowed but free. The special friend spends the next few days drag her to a hollow in a tree with the remaining foals.

The special friend has been hearing people get closer and closer every day and decides to go get help. Turns out it is a crew clearing the woods for construction.

The special friend finds a person willing to help but by the time they get back the area has been leveled.

In rolls the rain as the special friend breaks down. The human offers to take him in but gives the fluffy time to mourn, telling him to meet him back where he found him.

As the fluffy finally decides to leave, he fresh mud…getting himself stuck.


A mare wanders into a empty summer house with a doggy door and has foals. House exploration leads to foal death one at a time, or fox/raccoon follows them in and hunts them down daily wereever they try to hide.

The giving fluffy tries to be good but gets betrayed and taken advantage of at every turn. No happy endings.

Fluffy loves abusive owner no matter what. Sandbox all around would be if the abuser does so to win a bet but the fluffy is so nice it changes their heart and mind too late


Another good one. There’s a lot of potential here, not just for bleakbox.


A pregnant dam gets stranded in a storm drain going under a little-used highway in the desert. Blistering hot in the day, freezing cold at night, barely enough scrub grass for her to eat. But the babies are due soon.


Have a bleak story

A trapped fluffy with a broken jaw starving in a alleyway only meters away from overflowing trash containers from a restaurant\supermarket.

A feral fluffy stuck with a cancerous growth, that grows every day slowly crushing it.

A mare and her foals trying to find shelter in a half demolished overdecked mall
what they find there is more then they bargained for
The mare and foals each die in various gruesome ways after getting maimed.
Only one foal survives but its so mentally broken it wishes it was dead.
Only to be found and dropped off at a no kill shelter

( it might go in to full psychosis there but this edge is already pretty sharp )


I had an idea that I just couldn’t finish. A fluffy gets outside and falls into a storm drain. They have enough water and food from sprinklers, rain, lawn mowing etc, but are basically forced to watch their owner go through the stages of grief before finally giving up on ever finding them and buying a new fluffy, all while the fluffy slowly dies of infection from a broken leg.


A foal with a crushed lower body, during a snow storm trying to crawl its way home.
It cant find its way and slowly freezes to death.
The next day its found and turns out it was almost home free.

Its mother doesn’t take well to this and becomes catatonic the other foals blame themselves for her turn.

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Sad shit:

Severely injured fluffy pleading with a stray dog to take care of her foal.

A fluffy at the counter of a fast food place with a small pile of coins and coin shaped things they have collected, begging the cashier for food.

A fluffy with a super cut up mouth because she made a nest out of fiberglass insulation so her babies would survive the winter.

A fluffy being force fed condoms full of cocaine, then later being terrified so it shits them out.

A raccoon eating out of a garbage can while a fluffy watches. The fluffy tries to get close, but the raccoon slaps her, and she goes back to where she was and cries.

A sad feral in a live trap that is in a kiddie pool filling with water.

A person petting a fluffy that’s in their lap. The fluffy is hairless, covered in scars, possibly even missing some body parts like an ear, eye, or leg, and with a sad, defeated look on its face. There is a caption that reads something like, “There are no smartie fluffies, just owners who aren’t willing to take the time to train them right”

A pillowed fluffy that has been forgotten outside crying as a bird is pulling its fluff off.

A person catches a feral fluffy looking for food in their kitchen. The fluffy is begging not the be put back outside. Saying it would even prefer “forever sleepies” to being out in the cold.

A happy family scene where some parents have gotten their children a foal. In the background, a full grown fluffy is peaking out of a garbage can and crying.

A sickly litter pal and a starving FiaC sitting in a dumpster. The litter pal is singing to the foal to comfort it.

A pegasus is terminally ill, and their owner tells them they can fly so they will jump to their death and die happy and painlessly.


Impressively bleak.

Though, personally, I’d say have it end with him getting back to his mother and she rejects him because he’s too injured.

Wow. That is crazy good.

That works too.
she lets her injured foal starve to death while its siblings plead for their siblings live.
She might reject them too and when they die or at least starve becomes catatonic.

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A mare is tortured endlessly by an abuser who makes her have litter after litter only to kills them in front of her in the most horrific ways. Until one day the mare is fed up and kills her latests litter before her munstah daddeh can. The abuser seeing this laughs and says she will have new babbehs tomorrow. The very next morning the mare wakes up to a new batch of babbehs she doesn’t remember having. Even though they are cute she kills them anyway
As the last goal is stomped the abuser comes in with sketti and toys and apologizes to the mare for all the bad treatment and wants to make it up to her by giving her skettis and toysie and a special guest.
The guest is the mares original bestest babbeh who the abuser had been taking care of all this time upstairs me giving her everything a fluffy could want. Shocked the abuser reveals it wasn’t the mares babbehs, she killed but her bestest babbeh’s foals. Essentially the mare killed her own grandchildren and the bestest babbeh comes in to see her own babbehs killed by her mom.

The abuser watches in glee as the new mother beats her munsta momma to death.


made a quick sketch based on the idea

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I think that’s been done.

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It has.

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I am pretty sure Napoleon and Hippolyta did it, but that’s weirdbox, not bleakbox.

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You are correct. As have a few others on there.


Futility. Shame.

“Humanity is dying out. War, famine, plague.

Not enough pollinators left for widespread agriculture, the plains are becoming deserts as waterfall is focused on the coast, the seas are boiling poison where aquaculture is a practice in futility as you expend more resources than what you get back. Too many pandemics, generation after generation. Small proxy wars across the world depleted the youth of a generation as world powers receding into obscurity try to be the last global superpower before losing the ability to even expend the effort to interact across the oceans and deadlands.

With mankind finally realizing the Earth is a hospice those of means squirreled themselves away in bunkers and fortified isolated cities. Each doomsday prepper secured their own life, but without cooperation they just lived out their days being hated by their children until resources ran out and their bloodline ended with the selfish short-sighted futility that ended the world.

Why do the children in the cities tear the Foals away from the mother, killing them slowly, then crippling her? Because they are competition for the same garbage, same flowers, that are now a dietary staple. Dandelions have returned as the primary source of nutrition for western civilization after a 400 year hiatus. An apple core could keep their mother alive one more day.

You can still buy a new television, cameras, computers, just about anything like that dirt cheap plus Fluffy kibble made from things humanity cannot eat, but your own food budget is 80% of your income and half the city is vacant buildings owned by someone who has never seen them in-person while a city of tents and plywood springs up all around it. The factory still puts out cars and gaming consoles, manned by homeless workers that can only afford to buy old bread.

Anywhere the supply chain still holds there is prosperity still. It may as well still be 2030. But one flood wiped away the crops with no seeds left to plant, a freeze killed the power and it was never restored, a sinkhole destroyed the roads. There was no zombies or raiders to shoot, folks just loaded what mattered on their backs and wandered in small bands, discarding things one by one before dying in mountain passes or on sun-baked prairies.

Fluffies don’t know that. Life hasn’t changed much for them, aside from spaghetti being almost unheard of. But with their short memory and awareness almost from birth of it, they never knew the difference as individuals. Cities can’t afford to hire people to exterminate them, but America still has enough bullets to shoot every citizen fifty eight times over so the work has just gone amateur. There is still shelters, still breeders, because its the American way these days to refuse to change anything regardless of what has changed around you. Fluffies have grown more toxic as a survival mechanism due to mass overconsumption of the edible variety as a food staple. The Ferals, now avoided by many predators, take advantage of the lack of competition in the many ghost towns dotting the nation which the Fluffies dwell in, as if the abandoned homes have an owner who loves them and is just out shopping.

Humans are just fading away, living ghosts still repeating their same lives until they die or move where there is more people. The Fluffies haven’t noticed.

The last humans, in each region before the last on Earth, died quietly and unnoticed. Each one alone, suspecting themselves to be the last. Many with the unconsumed remains of family or friends, others just hidden in basements or sitting alone on benches.

A Fluffy lives its life in the “present”. It seeks a human to own it. A human, suffering from diarrhea after eating a similar Fluffy out of desperation, ends its life.
Another Fluffy lives its life in the future. It does the same as its ancestor did and tries to find a human to own it, only this Fluffy dies of old age never finding one, wasting its existence going door to door to find an extinct species.

Fluffies don’t instinctively know a human skeleton. Fluffy stories don’t get passed on very often as the cruel world of humans rendered most Fluffies apart from their mothers and fathers as soon as they could breed. Fluffies find shelter in rib cages, lick the moss from bony cheeks, and dream of what a human looks like and how it will make them happy the way the voices in their head says they will.

No other intelligent life in the universe marked the passing of humans, any more than humans tracked the extinction of tropical birds when the water levels swallowed the islands of the Pacific. The last man and woman died unremarkably in the same alley that millions of Stallions and Mares died in before, and their bones bore witness to ten times as many dying the same. “