Any sadbox ideas?

Foal opens its eyes for the first time, sees mummah’s fluff. Foal hugs her leg, tells her it “wubs mummah”.
Camera pans out: mummah died shortly before in a freak accident.

I love the idea of the last fluffy left on earth.

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I kinda did something like that with “An Ending”.

Fluffies in a ruined area after a natural disaster (earthquake, flood, hurricane), walking amongst the dead. Their expressions broken, realizing that while humans are like gods to them? That humans are ultimately just as helpless as they are when nature uncaringly acts.

“Wha’ hope fwuffy hab if eveb hoomin scweam and beg bu’ stiww go tu wowstest sweepies…?”


Daddeh comes home from work and is greeted by his fluffy family.
“Wat wong daddeh? Hab saddies?”
“It’s nothing, daddy’s just tired. How about we go to the park together?”
“Yay, fwuffies go tu pawk wif daddeh!”
Daddeh puts his fluffies in a carrier box and places it on the passenger seat of his car. He starts the motor, but the car doesn’t move.
“Why daddeh nu dwive?”
“Nu smeww pwetty in hewe.”
“Why fluffy su tiwed?”
“Daddeh sweepies?”

Wait, what?

What the fluffies don’t know: daddeh put a hose from the exhaust pipe through the passenger window. He commited extended suicide because he was fired that day.