Avocado's Empathy for an Alley Fluff (Artist: Carpdime) (FB id: 22875)

The hard questions…


Poor little fluffy!
I give him a home!


The third adult Avocado image that Carp did. This image demonstrates Avocado’s empathy, as well as his developing awareness of the harsh realities of the world. Its also one of the earliest images thatd emosntrates not only Avo’s intelligence, but also his sense of empathy.


Reminds me of my father(who was an artist, an oil painter, ironic since I can’t doodle worth shit) who went to south africa in the mid 1970’s and painted a picture of a bunch of black children sleeping under a running truck for warmth. My reaction was pretty much the same as Avocado’s when I would see that picture in his office. It’s also the moment my childhood innocence that the world was this nice safe place died.

That is a /very/ intelligent fluffy. Thinking of the welfare of others didn’t seem that common of a trait amongst others.


“Because he asked his daddy stupid question!”


“There is no such thing as a dumb question”

  • Carl Sagan.

I’m again reminded of a similar picture by the awesome Backstubb:

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@WhalerTom The difference is that in that image, the fluffy was unintentionally naïve and unaware of the state of the alleyfluff. He sees the abandoned fluffy as a potential new friend, unaware of their plight. In Avo’s case, he knows something is wrong with the alleyfluff, which is why he asks Mark what’s wrong with the abandoned fluffy. @Foxhoarder did a similar image to this one Carp did, though I’ll have to dig for it later.


this was one of the first ones ive ever seen lol, cant believe its this old


Don’t know Avi, guess we need to fix that. Common, let’s get it home safely!

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reminds me of the old days so much

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Because like people not all fluffiest deserve love, little one.

I remember Munstah Mummah’s reaction to this post.

It read something along the lines of,

“Because you have no intrinsic worth and the only reason you’re not like him is because you won the genetic lottery”

Followed by a very lumpy Avocado frowning and crying.

I was like: preach.

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MM’s post, the one you’re speaking of, is one that I would consider psychological abuse, considering the intention. Its one I will frown upon, as I consider Avocado a hugbox character.

And on the grounds of genetic lottery, and to follow on @Hermit’s point, inequality affects not just fluffies but humans as well. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth, not everyone is lucky to have a roof over their head and food to have on the table. It’s a reason why its a hard question - its a reality thats not easy to explain to fluffies (or children)

I have to admit, I was a bit hesitant to upload this image. Not because it is a sadbox image, but rather because there is a story I have planned related to this image, and I didn’t want to spoil it initially. I have been holding on to Avocado’s images for a while, but the changes in Carpdime’s style mean that there is some stylistic difference between Avocadoverse canon in “classic” style (from 2014 to 2016), pre-booru death (2020) and fluffycommunity (2021). Thus, I’ve been uploading the images for the sake of a compilation of Avocadoverse links, which will be made soon.

But getting back on topic, I do have a story planned for this image. Because, and knowing Avocado’s intelligence, I think his empathy would mean that not only would he feel sympathetic to the plight of abandoned and homeless fluffies, but he would also do something for them. And I don’t mean adoption, which seems to be supposed solution. I can see Avocado working as a volunteer for a soup kitchen, understanding that the plight of the homeless affects both humans and fluffies. That’s a fluffy job for @Chikahiro if he hasn’t draw that yet, and I guess its a minor spoiler for something I want to do with Avocado.

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I’d have to consider how a fluffy could help that’s more head-canon agnostic. That’s the tricky bit.

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Best think about it and add it to the list?

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I find that headcanons are so varying that its very hard to be agnostic. Even the mroe seemingly neutral canons seem to be reliant on a respective stance of neutrality.

Will do so. I didn’t want to spoil this idea that was on my head, but I guess it is an inevitability. It’s a story I want to do - Avocado not only understanding the difficulties of the world, but actually trying to do something about it.

Well, its got to be simple, has to be safe, and has to play to their strengths. So the kitchen is out. Hrm.

I could see some fluffies working to serve food. Or provide some simple entertainment. I guess its just one of those ideas to keep working on - it’ll be a while before I get to the chapter.

Walking the tables with little wagons behind them. Or jacks with business cards on them for counseling, social services, etc. Help cheer up the kids.

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Found it: Hugs Denied by:Foxhoarder


Only if you want the food to magically disappear between the kitchen and the table…