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I know, but the point is, you don’t have to play by the same rules as everyone else.

As long as you’ve got the fundamentals: fluff, baby speak, sketties, et cetera.

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Again than what are you arguing, if you want to discuss the merits of your idea and how they are informed by reality fine ,if you just want to say I can do what I want then there can be no discussion


I’m saying we can do what we want, dude. We can have fun with it, and we don’t have to let those uptight, boring laws of physics spoil all the fun for us.

What this is about is comparing how we do it. And nobody has to scream “BUT YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!!!” at anyone else, because nobody is wrong. Nobody can be wrong about this kind of thing. That’s what I’m saying.

So please, contain the calamity that is your mammaries.

For the record, extending the lifespan of fluffies is something going on in my stories. And if you don’t like that idea, hey, you ain’t gotta use it.

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You poor delusional fool I said there is no right or wrong way from my first post yet you seem to want to make a none argument about how I was right but you are righter


Exactly. As long as you’ve got fluffies, the specifics don’t really matter.

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He own the site.


that would be virgil

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Oh thank fucking God. I don’t wanna imagine you with a banhammer, Mcgee.


Every time I see a report
“Whose feathers is Mcgee ruffling today?”


Just think of all the time you’d save if you didn’t have to look at all those reports.

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Yeah, but think of all the fun I’d miss, too.


Just a blanket statement, without pointing any fingers;
We encourage debate, and we can understand that debate can get heated at times.
But if you get so upset that you feel it necessary to attack the person rather than to address the idea, perhaps it’s best that you step away for a while.


True, true.

Just for the record, Virgil. If, and I mean if, you ever offer to make me a mod, I’m gonna say “No thanks.”

I don’t trust myself not to abuse it. And that’s happened before, this ain’t an unvalidated concern! Me and positions of authority just don’t mix well. Even if being a mod on a forum isn’t that much authority. It’s kind of like a recovering alcoholic saying “Well, one drink won’t hurt…”


I mean, you can’t really deny that making Mcgee a mod would be a terrible idea. I’d turn it down, as I just said, but I think we all know that Mcgee would be jumping for joy.

I’m trying to play nice, but he ain’t.

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it would be terrible but not in the way you think

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I think everyone except you would be banned, if I can be completely honest.

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I like you both, but don’t expect to put either of you on my team.

Mcgee is doing what he does best: Showing me who can handle tough conversation, and who cannot.

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nope every thing would be allowed but every thing would have it’s place unless it was funny than i would ban everyone


I wasn’t, dude. I don’t want to be a mod. I’d probably go full tyrant. You’re better at it than me. Hell, you’re better than most other mods I’ve dealt with elsewhere. You seem completely reasonable to me. You ain’t going crazy and swinging B&jolnir around. You’re trying to be a good mod, that much is obvious to me.


“Dance for me, or I’ll feed you to Marmosets! And Marmosets is not a cute little monkey, it’s the name of my anacondaaaaaa!”

That’s kind of how you sound right now.

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