Bad at gamesies (By Larur)



Because fluffies are bad in games.

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I can see fluffies being so weak they die in the real world because they believe they died.


Get him little bud get em, you can beet Armstrong

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Seems believable. There are games and controllers for babies in real life, so I could expect easy and colorful games for fluffies being a thing too.

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have em come to me once hes had over 3k hours

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ah… it was like yesterday when people used to make drawings about “ragequit” for that contest or somethin.


When you can relate to a pig horse.
(Edit: I’m only good at rpg games, and Minecraft. Not things like Mario Kart and stuff)

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Seems like a skill issue

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This fluffy is me with X Com long war 2. You’d think someone who’s put a thousand hours into a game would be able to beat it at least once.

Miwkies Quest 3
Skettiland: Da Wetuwn

Sorta helps if you have thumbs, sadly.

I, too, am extraordinarily bad at games I’ve spent inordinate amounts of time on.