Bad Mummah Ch. 5 (FluffyChimera)

Cuz of her entitled personality and vanity i think her torment shoukd start with a Fluff-B-Gone bath to have her mane and fluff fall away until shes a bald ugly thing already matching her ugly interior personality


lady bell calls to the mind of that cannibal green fluffy.

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Haven’t really thought that far! I really like his design, so I might use him in some other stories later, but for now he’s nowhere to be found


Big or short, strong or frail fluffies, people seems to forget our advantage against em, our thumbs! … And how we can shove em inside their eyes!

For real tho, cool art and story so far, really making me hate and feel only disgust towards both flufflies so far.


Wow. I’m starting to waver on my restoration hopes. Maybe she could still be a beautiful show fluffy. At a taxidermy show.

Hmm. Fluffy taxidermy.


It depends on the headcanon. Generally speaking, the fluffies are far weaker and less durable than an animal of comparable size, but conversely are capable of enduring massive amounts of trauma that would kill the other animal.

This ties in with the fluffies’ original design goal; artificial pets for a 6-10 year old child. They’re not physically strong or tough to cause injury to a child (imagine the lawsuits if they were engineeered to be that strong), but are fully capable of withstanding the knocks and bumps encountered during play with small children (breaking a leg would be fatal for most creatures).


Tbf I’d probably piss myself too. That crazy bitch scared me


A wierd idea but bms may a survival instinict that goes into overdrive when a mare is stressed. Deciding which baby to keep is a common practice with wild animals. I can only imagine how stressfull a shoe mare must be.


I am loving this. Can’t wait till the next chapter.

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Fluffies that are as smart as middle schoolers would be scary actually. 12 and 13 year olds are fairly smart.


And the cruellest beings in the universe.

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Yeah, that’s why some ferals are legitimately scary, they’ve got more brains and more cruelty than fluffies are supposed to have. Ever read the “Maroon” series?

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This has been quite the ride. I’m enjoying this. I like Jitters, I can empathize with his anxiety. He’s pretty in the art too.