BBCode Guide [update July '21]

[center][color=#4682B4][i]Y E S[/i][/color][/center]

here ya go

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Apparently the positioning always goes first and then everything else inside

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yes, Iā€™ll update this all, probably use spoilers to section this, so itā€™s easier to see.
@Virgil please your opinion? To section everything into the ā€œdetailā€ function?

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Thanks, I learned a lot today thanks to


Btw I tried doing something like your profile picture using white in the background with dark orchid in your name

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I wonder what else can we do with the power of code

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Oh let me try something in the post above with your name

Maybe I can make it match even more with your pfp with some more code Iā€™ll do that and I want you to check if itā€™s ok

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It changed in your device?

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Oh wait the outfit itā€™s black, lemme change the v and a, and maybe get a darker tone for the irg

Finally, how does it look? I didnā€™t got the exact same tone for the skin (irg) and I used the dominant color of the outfit (v & a)

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I like it, thanks!

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Virgil is being haunted by a lot of notifications right now I guess, sorry but Iā€™m exited with the amount of freedom this gives you to design your stuff, btw can I see a screenshot of how does it look on your device? The font should look like this

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I said it in the post~ I donā€™t have the font, so I see it normally. But itā€™s still very sweet of you ^^

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Maybe itā€™s a site thing? The font didnā€™t change much for me either, anyways thanks for all the learning, can I graduate as a

Text Bender


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I learned this while listening to an autotuned sentence mix of donald trump singing Say So and that might be the best learning experience I had


Itā€™s not necessary using the hex code, you can go [color=DeepPink] and it will do it too!


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Virgiiiiiiiiil I updated this monster, be proud please ;^;


Well since itā€™s an official part of our FAQ now Iā€™m quite thankful!


Thatā€™s for forums where they speak Arabic or another language that is written from right to left.