Before The Storm - Part 2: The Hellish Herd Ch. 2 [By BFM101]

You know making the old fluff step daddy would put him in a good place to teach Travis to be the next advisor. That’s only a thought.


I have some ideas but I was to keep some of my predictions close too the cuff so I know that I actually was close without causing any influence, even if it is subconsciously.

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Not a bad idea, but I fear Crassus might be too old for that.

Still, he’ll take Travis under his wing and teach him all he can. If Crowley says Travis is a smart Fluffy then Crassus has no reason not to believe him.


Yeah, he may not have the temperament to deal with more than one foal.


I’m kind of thinking that Coral will get jealous (for good reason or imaginary ones) over Maggie. I see trouble there. Especially if the other mares look to Maggie more. I mean, she seems like she’d be more sympathetic and all to their plight. Especially if Coral gets knocked down a peg or two.

While I know a fluffy getting raised up is only setup for them getting pushed down, I kind of hope part of Maggie’s ups and downs involve recognizing her value. She is a protagonist, for now at least, so I see a worthwhile journey there.


I’m really absorbed into this. Tantalizing and intriguing.

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