Bowffy the Fluffy [By Larur]

Inject it with cancer cells too


This is why i love Fluffys they can convey messages and feelings that other story forms simply couldn’t. A sad story that gives some hope to a hopeless situation only to rip it away. It simply is like the real world.

10/10 made me feel


Man, this hurt. Well done. I love when fluffies are made to be highly empathetic and loving to their owners.

(Warning for mentions of animal death) Reminds me of when I was almost able to adopt a little orange feral kitten, which I had named Oliver. On the day that we were supposed to get him officially vaccinated and taken home, he was diagnosed with severe feline leukemia. Oliver had to be put down, and I was at school so I had never gotten the chance to say goodbye. But I’ll never forget the time I had spent with him.


And a healing factor. Create a fluffy Deadpool. “Sexy mummahfwuffew~!”


Part 2: fluffy go to a shelter, because the parents of the owner don’t like te fluffy. When the fluffy get a new owner is the owner a fluffy abuser and the fluffy has to wait a horrible dead.


rain meme
now comes the hard question, do the parents keep the fluffy, the same fluffy that even on her darkest days did its best to bring a smile to her face or do they kill/abandon the fluffy their daughter loved dearly?


Simple, give it the wish it asks for by burying it with the child


That was just the worst luck. I like cats, so I’m sorry to hear that.

But I don’t think the warning was necessary. It’s not like you were talking about a cat being abused.


It was the worst luck, thank you.

That’s true; But I do know some people here who don’t like hearing about real animal death in general, so I warned just in case.


Damn that’s rough, it’s amazing how quickly we can connect and bond, and how long that lasts though.


This is really upsetting, but that last image with the text above and below look like some kind of meme and I can’t remain upset.


I’m remembering that one scene in Community when Jeff names a pencil and then breaks it in half.

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The crew that work on cemeteries are screened very heavily. A cheap one doesn’t have cleanup workers at all.
Higher end ones, the kind someone paying for a nice headstone like that would have gone to, have them very meticulously maintain the sites. They’ll replace stuffed toys that get left there if someone takes it for example.

Now the likelihood of a random mourner killing it is not exactly low. Which leads to the awkwardness of trying to find matching Fluffy and teaching it to mourn and not say anything to the family except expressions of grief.

Generations may pass by with the job of mourning that girl.
Of course the body of the original will be preserved, likely rendered to ash and kept in a can to present to the family in case they ever find out.


I remember once reading about this business that can turn your loved one’s ashes into a diamond. That’s pretty cool. I might do a story about that.

Diamonds are actually surprisingly easy to make, actually. It’s just a lump of carbon. It’s just shiny coal. They’re only so expensive because of artificial scarcity.


I’m so sorry for your loss and the horrible heart ache of a worst case scenario that your friends went through.

Internet hug to you (I give this with the intention of meaning something even if it’s difficult to tell online)


It’s been years for both but it made me think of them. I like stories the utilize the loving nature of fluffies. Especially since folks who are immune compromised have to be careful which means they’re going to get more lonely…


Awesome sadbox.


I think we can all understand by now just what isolating yourself for health reasons can do to a person.

Of course, nobody gives two tugs about the people who were lonely before the COVID-19 crisis started. No, it’s the loud-mouthed idiots crying because they can’t go to the bar with their idiot friends and drink until their last few brain cells have been destroyed who get all the attention.

But you know what they say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

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In my headcanon, this is an insanely bad idea. (Consider this a sneak preview of future stories.)

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Do you really want a coffin with a dead child in it to get filled with feces and have bite marks on the child