Breeding Guide For Myself By bunnybunnyhops

Simple breeding guide for my fluffies. This is really for me, but thought I share.

Fluffy x Fluffy =
Fluffy: 99.99%
Cannibal : .01 %
Note: For cannibals, both parents have to carry the gene for the mutation, they low survival rate at birth. They are born with other birth defects and are usually drowned at for being a “bad babbeh.”

Fluffy x Cannibal =
Fluffy: 75%
Cannibal: 25%.
Note: Cannibal have a 50% chance of survival. Born with less birth defects. The cannibal parent will eat their fluffy mate and foals.

Fluffy x Hunting Friend =
Fluffy: 10%
Hunting friend: 90%.
Note: this pairing unlikely to happen naturally. Fluffy foals carry the Hunting Friend genes and will pass it on to there offspring. The fluffy foal not be eaten by Hunting Friend parent.

Fluffy x Sea Fluff =
Fluffy: .01%
Sea fluff: .01%
Hybrid: .000001%
stillborn: 99.98%
Note: surviving foals are sterile. In theory a simi aquatic fluffy can be born in this pairing but has not been seen.

Cannibal x Cannibal=
Cannibal 95%
Fluffy 5%
note: 60% chance of survival for all foals. Fluffy foals carry the Cannibal mutation gene.

Cannibal x Hunting Friend =
Hunting friend: 100%
Note: this pairing unlikely to happen naturally. Foal do not carry the gene for the cannibal mutation.

Cannibal x Sea fluff = Same as Fluffy x Sea fluff. This pairing unlikely to happen naturally.

Hunting Friend x Hunting Friend=
Hunting Friend: 99%
Fluffy 1%
Note: Fluffies foals carry the Hunting Friend genes. Offspring of this foals will result in 100% Hunting Friend foals no matter other parents.

Hunting Friend x Sea fluff= UnKnown.

Sea fluff x Sea Fluff = Sea fluff 100%
Note: sea fluff are domestic only. If they are released they will die from malnutrition. The Lysine act.*

Other types of fluffies are lab or domestic. Will die without human.

*The Lysine act was put in place after the great PETA raid. It stops all lab grown biotoys from becoming invasive species. The lysine act was named after the lysine contingency from Jurassic Park.


I thought I have seen it all but… what is a Hunting Friend?


A hunting friend are similar to cannibals but they were made in labs and have higher intelligence, can fly if they have wings and longer horns if they have them. They are the cat eyed ones.


The demonfluffs are really just a rebranded version of hunting friends- They aren’t flight capable, but they can use wings as weapons like geese.


Cool. And that makes sense. My Hunting friend are short range fliers. Only fly in while hunting or in emergencies.