Bullies at the Bar aBuse Formerly Bestes Babbeh :: CuddilyBloodily

looks like a deformed muppet. classic i mean. from when henson was alive and doing the muppet thing

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Awesome work on the background, especially the glow of the sign and the spilt glass. And of course the best kind of abuse: neglect

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I canā€™t read the story for shit but I can tell from the fact that this fluffy is sucking on its paw that itā€™s stressed as fuck.

Someone should rehabilitate it in a nice home with lots of food and water and love and friends. That way it will make a good roast later.

Barring that, someone should put the poor fucker out of its misery. A baseball bat to the skull should do it.

Pro tip: right click on the pic and open it in a new window. You will be able to zoom in better and read the text.


Couldā€™ve taken a drunken wee on him. Missed opportunity.

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