Chuck the bestest, take the rest. If you can’t take care of the SBS, then sell it and the toughie as a package deal, his loyalty is a money-worthy trait and if he has to choose between his “special” sibling and the rest of his family, I imagine he’ll stay with Brown to protect it and trust the others to protect themselves.
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why would loyalty be a money-worthy trait in fluffies?
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I ‘unno, it just seems like one to me.
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Kill that fucking bestest
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Brown is going down
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So far it seems mummah is going to self immolate. Just have to wonder if in her pain she’ll run at the surviving foals or at the human.
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Oh no i missed the vote D: mummah did a good job there is some real based energy if she decides to sacrifice herself but shes done such a good job im in two minds. im also concerned if she throw herself in the dude promised to take them in, he never mentioned anything about milkies, or any food or affection for that matter. id vote brown with no mummah as a sbs he will probably die anyway.
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I say best baby cause fuck him