I really appreciate that. I like seeing what I can do with these silly little creatures as characters.
This story is much like coffee with sugar - very bittersweet and I liked it. I wonder if the name of Coffee was deliberately chosen for this now?
If I may point out two typos: weather > whether and suger > sugar.
My writing uses English spelling, such as “colour”. A consequence of where I grew up I’m afraid.
But to be honest I just chose the name Coffee as a reference to another story someone made starring a nurse mare at a fluffmart called coco who was an absolute darling. The bitter sweet thing with Cream and Sugar was just a happy accident.
I make this shit up as I go…
Never be sorry for using English spelling - it’s in the damn name!
I use English spelling as well, it’s just that it’s the wrong whether - ‘whether’ is a grammatical conjunction, ‘weather’ rains on you.
I use it to stay in practise for a couple of original pieces I’m working on.
I see it, yeah sorry about that, I speak out the non fluff speak portions using voice to text, before doing touch ups and sometimes the software doesn’t register the difference between mare and mayor or whether and weather.
Can’t wait to see some more from you. I may have made two fluffs one can but when you write abuse it is hardcore, very good stuff.
“Now bring me nursemare 24-601! Your sleep is up and your shift has begun! You know what that means?”
“Yus, it mean fwuffy am fwee-”
“NO. It means you get your white collar of privileges. You have a job.”
“Fwuffy nu wan hab we-spon-seh-biw-eh-ties.”
“You almost killed your foals.”
“Fwuffy sowwy!! Fwuffy jus wub aww babbehs!! But fwuffy wern wesson, mus wub wite babbehs. Nu wan babbehs to hab tummeh hurries.”
“They will starve again! Unless you learn the meaning of the lesson.”
“Huuhuu fwuffy wern!! Fwuffy undewstan!!”
“Five sorry-stickings for what you did. The rest because you tried to hide it. Yes, 24-601-”
“Fwuffy namesie am Coffee!!”
“And I’m Javert. Do not forget my name. Do not forget me, 24-601.”
“…whu am dat weiwd mistah? An why he making singies?”
“Huuhuu Coffee nu knu!! But betta get to wowk! Huuhuu, hab babbehs to gib miwkies, am gud jobbsie. Wub babbehs.”
This is absolutely beautiful and I thank you for it, but I also have some bad/good news. There is a disciplinary stallion in the west wing called Javert… So this is very likely a canon interaction they could have to some degree.
Aww, thank you! I have some ideas, but no time at the moment. I’ll get there.
Bad mummahs can be entertaining.
But for enfed-upness, there’s nothing better than good mummahs facing impossible choices.
The way the nurses have internalised the eugenics apologia and will never realise the whole setup only exists for humans to make money… wretchedly good satire here. Good show!
Thank you, I wanted to really put them in a situation that put a sour taste in your mouth at the end if you’re a hugboxer but still a glimmer of something resembling hope.
I love Coffee’s willingness to embrace nuance towards the end. It’s really multidimensional.