Does anyone want their characters drawn (swiftbitches

If you’ like to draw one of my characters I’d love to see Emma or Colt in your style


Hate-Bot arm wrestling with Brute?


Bluebell, um…hiking in the mountains (clothing optional) with a backpack, walking stick, the whole bit. If you can find a good picture of Going-To-The-Sun Trail in Glacier Nat’l. Park Montana, I’d really appreciate it! If not, feel free to use your imagination for the background.


I would like to have a Picture of Anthrow Krieg and Moesius with Meadow as Street Punks having a great time. denim and leather like those guys wild and unhinched.

OIP (1)

also as help for the mood
Denim and Leather-Saxon (studio version) - YouTube
Ramones-Blitzkrieg Bop - YouTube


How about the Swiftbitches Interpretation™ of Lightning from my Sam and Will stories (yes I am continuing those, I just had finals and a tough semester)


how about a cannibal (or hunting friend) earth fluffy with a red fox pattern stalking an unsuspecting soon mummah while her owner is distracted on the phone


you can draw my fluffy siblings? Jelly and Willow pls?
jelly and willow


sir flufflesworth, a completely blue earthie with a tophat and monocle, sitting on a floating chair that is in no way supposed to fly, powered by what appears to be a comically large bag of tea, with a smug look on his face while a single feral fluffy looks at him very confused, so confused that it has some steam coming out of its ears, all while questioning it’s life choices that lead to seeing the strange sight.


holy extravagant, that’s a tall order. i know it’s an OC, but is that even a fluffy? I feel like it’s for a different fandom

Hdhd its not but someone up there sent like literal normal furries so

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Bluebell plz


Are you from Montana?


No, but I spent some of the best summers of my life in Glacier.

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Hey!! :star_struck::star_struck:
Howbowt Bluebell and Bluebell?


God. Im so late to the party (I was trying to think of a prompt) but what about Snack as a human and Merick as a fluffy?

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If you’d like to I think it would be pretty cool if you drew my dudes Leo and Lord (and the babbehs if you feel like it), maybe doing some family bonding activities, like eviscerating a fluffy corpse

They’d probably watch cartoons and eat lots of snacks due to the fact that bluebell is a filly

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I didn’t have any nsfw intentions.

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Introducing the Coleson’s at Skettiland elimination and control

Jake Coleson- owner of SkettiLand E&C
height- 6 foot five inches
age- 57
general appearance- barrel chested, broad shouldered, muscular arms with a small pot belly with short brown salt and pepper hair with a shoulder length matching beard. often wears jeans, high-top boots and t-shirt
personality- Large and intimidating and he knows it but acts more like a reasonable father and big brother figure to those around him. Hunter and mechanic by trade before starting Skettiland E&C (Earl too) , understands hard works value and the right use of smarts and sometimes force.

Earl Coleson- Cousin to Jake and semi-mad genius redneck inventor
height 6 foot three inches
age 47
general appearance- thin and almost lanky in comparison to Jake. brown short hair and way oversized mustache (Think Jamie Hyneman from mythbysters). often wears plain jeans and boots with leather vest, ball-cap and a backpack full of assorted fluffy torture devices or engineering gear. recently lost his left arm (from elbow down) in a meta attack and now has a high tech prosthetic he often tinkers with.
personality- fearless, a little shifty, slightly crazy-eyed and obsessive with whatever task he has on hand. constantly building something or torturing fluffies or thinking up new ways to do so. often used big brain and local connections to skirt the law just enough to constantly piss of his little sister the town sheriff.

Cock Goblin- one of Earl’s failed experiments. a muted green alicorn with brown mane and tail. right wing missing and a U-shaped bite scar on both sides of his neck from a dog bite he barely survived. a rare telekinetic alicorn who is ridiculously hung from some of the experiments Earl preformed on him to make him a feral killing super monster. Betrayed Earl and was executed twice for it (See moonlight over. ranchero fluffalow if curious) smart, vicious, tactically trained, hates dogs, distrustful of humans.

Stalker and Odin a pair of German shepherd/husky mixes who belong to Jake and Earl and accompany them on most jobs. Odin is the one who gave Goblin his scars and belongs to Earl.

Can you draw a pic of my foal (cocoa) and my mare (carrot) huddled with a blanket while carrot sings to cocoa under the night sky with shooting stars?

The first pic is cocoa
The next is carrot