Dollar Foal Machine (By:Carpdime) (FB ID: 27600)

The classic “giv huggies” pose with pleas of “nyu daddeh?”… The potential never ends with those simple yet universal fluffy tropes!

Fluffies enclosed in small spaces with glass fronts feature a lot in my older works. The dynamic of a loving animal framed within a consumerist process just works for me.

I’d actually get as many as I can. For… reasons.

Sorry, little guy. It’s you or a pack of Mallo Cups, and I’m only five points away from a free t-shirt.

Fluffies are cute. Well, most of them.

I liked the give huggies pose from previous pic, elaborated on it a little more.

Wait, those exist???

Not as bad as I feared, then.

A fully capable talking abuse victim for 1 dollar sign me the fuck up

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