Yeah, it’s orange. I learned (Indirectly from here, actually) that I have more color cones in my eyes than most people and can see more specific shades of color, so what looks brown to a lot of people might appear rusty orange or dark red to me. Makes it confusing sometimes with the color coding, lol.
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Yeah, that’s straight up burnt orange, with dirty gold tail.
OKAY WHAT KIND OF WISH .COM ASS PENS, i swear the tail was colored in “Dim green”
these pens live on a garden of lies!
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Where’d you buy them from?
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No one wants to say it, its like it’s orwellian wrongthink, but wtf is this? Why even post this low-effort bs?
my guy said orwellian wrongthink reddit gold discord nitro having ass.
But to answer the question a combination of boredom and actually contributing to the community, the latter of which you dont do.
It’s a clever and poignant metaphor for how your mother should have drowned you in shit when you were born
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