Easter with Avocado - By Oculus (with art by Carpdime and PeppermintParchment)

I had written about Avocado’s First Christmas, and his Halloween celebration, so it only felt natural to me that I would cover a story where Avocado would celebrate Easter in some way. Except that, Easter isn’t quite like Halloween or Christmas. Where Christmas has been heavily commercialized and can be approached in a secular manner, owing to its global presence, the celebration of Easter is more intrinsically linked to the religion that it stemmed from.

This story thus became an excercise in thinking about how fluffies may be taught or come to understand a religion, or may choose not to further an interest in it. It was not an easy story to write, and I ended up going through more than one draft of it. But I am happy nonetheless that I managed to get it done. I am also very grateful to @PeppermintParchment for letting me use her classic Easter image for this story.

Some notes:

  • Even though the foal near the window picture by Carp is not supposed to be Avo, I’d like to imagine that Avo was in a similar situation

  • Sikhism is currently the fifth largest organized religion in the world

  • previous drafts of the story had Avo learning a bit more about the religion, but also coming closer to leaving it. One rejected draft had Avo talking with Mark about his own irreligiosity. This draft was scrapped as it also had the same talk with Amber that served the same purpose.

  • the canonicity of the story is debateable. Compared to Halloween & Christmas, I would admit this story is a bit more of a retroactive in its continuity.


I still have to get to the Academy stories with Avo, as well as Chapter 12. All in due time.