EnterPAINment & The Farm (by: Wolfram_Sparks)

from what i can understand, it’s probably some kind of ‘shock-collar’ type thing. Im not sure to what is giving the hurties, but that’s me best guess

Amazing comic, love everything about it, from the desperate mummah trying to soothe her babies pain to the horrific expression of seeing them flee from her. The whole ordeal through the farm it was amazing. Loved every single bit of it till the very end.

Wolfram’s fluffies are so punchable and puntable idk why.

  • Flat pug-like faces
  • squarish heads and bodies, not even gracefully round
  • Mane and tail always short, not majestic
  • The fur always looks matted indicating poor hygiene
  • completely stubby legs. They look like the basically don’t have knee joints
  • facial expressions 110% on point
  • top of head doesn’t go above spine while normally standing, rodentlike

TL;DR they look dirty and helpless.