Everything Burns, part 1, by Gardel [NEW]

I really like your writing style!!!


Why is this labeled as controversial?

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probably due to the talk of mental health and child neglect.


this is lovely, Gardel. feels a bit edgy for me but, im a softy so what do i know.
i loved how you incorporated the hatered for fluffys into the backstory, that was wonderfully done my friend.


Say no more.


Ooh! A Gardel work, this made my day a good day already :smiley:

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Outstanding! In a world like that, Ned is a twisted kind of hero.

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Thanks but frankly I don’t see the edginess, Ned is not the classic “haha suffer your shitrat!” abuser, he’s clearly not even himself when he’s killing one.

What you have to understand is that Ned’s life was thoroughly ruined by fluffies. Without those he would’ve been just another normal guy, he didn’t have any underlying mental issues before his mother became a fluffy hoarder. Without that he would be just another guy with a dad that wasn’t around much and a mom that was a bit funny in the head, most people can get through that. What you don’t get thru is having no friends or social interaction because you live in a dump and smell like shit because of that, which is what happens to many kids living in similar IRL conditions.

I don’t know if you have heard of the anime Serial Experiments Lain, its one of those brainfuck animes that most people don’t like because its not generic isekai moe slop. Thing is as dark and depressing as it gets its not as bad as the videogame that was also launched at the time. In there the story is the same but the main character Lain has no family, no friends to support or help her, so her mental issues only get worse. I won’t spoil the ending, but you can imagine that it wont be as good as the anime since the point was to show how things don’t always work out. There’s a mentality of “just walk it off” in this world, the “pull yourself by your bootstraps”, but what if you have no “bootstraps” at all? or even shoes?

That’s Ned, a man metaphorically walking barefoot thru life, and the path he’s on its full of nails and broken glass.


Funny enough, I JUST found my (borrowed) full Serial Experiments Lain DVD’s at Mom’s house today! It’s so good.


It’s great because in itself “Ned” does not hate them, it’s something inside his subconscious that drives him to do it, a part inside him that knows that his life would be better if they did not exist, but given the impossibility of changing his past, he can only destroy every fluffie that comes his way, not for pain, not for pleasure, is catharsis, is a small way to regain control over something in his life./es genial por que en si " Ned " no los odia,es algo dentro de su subconsciente que le impulsa a hacerlo,una parte dentro de el que sabe que su vida seria mejor si no existieran ellos,pero ante la imposibilidad de cambiar su pasado,solo le queda destruir a todo fluffie que se le atraviese,no es por el dolor ,no es por placer ,es catarsis ,es una pequeña manera de volver a tener control en algo de su vida.


One question, is Ned’s mother the same lady in this story "The Biggest Litterbox" (Author: RQ) {FB ID: 37950}? Or are they coincidentally very similar people, because I immediately thought of her when you described her in your story. :slight_smile:


Soon Ned discovered the evil that is inside him and every shitrat that crosses his path will have eternal troubles, the question is how creative will Ned be?

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Alas, pet hoarders would go nuts for fluffies. I can see this happening many, many times.

(Jesus fucking asscrackers! I’m bad at housework. These people? Are something else.)


Different characters, tho with some similarities, but the story is not inspired by that one, I didn’t care much to illustrate the actual conditions little Ned was living in as much as what the consequences of that can be.


When we were putting FC online, I told my team that I would consider the whole project a fucking success if Gardel came back and started writing new stories.


Nature is healing


The natural success metric for any organization.


I was confused for a sec before I realized it was a story, I was like “Why am I looking at these many-thumbed hands, I opted out of this!” lol

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That’s fair.


you’re one of my fav writers, anxiously awaiting the next installment

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