Everything you see is for sale (Artist:Carpdime) (FB id: 57786)

Yes! This shop layout is directly referenced in the other shopfront picture that you linked.

I really like it when I notice other artists referencing things like this across their different works. It makes their worlds feel alive and connected, so I will sometimes try to do that as well.

As a side note, this fluffy mart layout with the display section at the front may also work with the fluffy cafe concept I’ve been toying with. You enter the cafe, pick a fluffy friend, then order a drink and sit down to enjoy the company. Or you can just sit and watch the fluffies playing amongst themselves in the front area.


Ho snap! Thats just an idea I might incorporate into the fic I am working on at the moment :o !! Thanks for that idea, Carp!


Damn I remember this one one of many which are just awsome.

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Missing abuse tag

Wallet owies


god, i love Carps fluffys, so cuddly and friendly looking ^^ always makes me smile to see them happy


You’re not wrong.

Egad, last time I took my cat to the vet it nailed me for nearly $800 >_>


Expensive love


Yep. Could be worse, though.

Ah, our little furry friends…


heh :slight_smile:

How obscure is that trivia? I have no clue. Its not obscure to me, but I grew up on ST:OS, Next Gen, DS9…


You know there’s some asshole who would walk in and buy everything in the store… except the fluffies. Leaving them with no beds, no toys, no food, nothing.


I know a ton of fans who know what Klingons are
and some that know what tribbles are
but you’d be surprised to know that many don’t get the correlation between the two.
Hell one of my friends is a Star Trek fan but hasn’t watched a single episode of TOS.

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Not obscure at all, they make a big deal out of it in the tribbles episode in the original series, and its followup in DS9. I believe the animated series had an episode with tribbles too.

Discovery also had tribbles, but I prefer to pretend that Discovery and Picard don’t actually exist.


Same :heart:

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Yeah it’s called More Trouble More Tribbles.

I was raised to consider pets not pets but family.
They be with you till the day that they die.

…or outlive you if its a parrot.


Hey, that’s my idea!
(But with an abuse twist…)

Funny you mentioned that, I’m writing about a version of Fluffmart that sells only fluffy items and not fluffies themselves. That said, I imagine that even if someone came and bought all the items, the Fluffmart store would have enough stock of all the items for the show fluffies to have to something to play with.


I could see Carl the Killboxer (Deathcap) coming in to poison the feed tray, or pat the fluffies with a hand coated in the slow-kill flufficide he cooked up.

And thats where the police comes in.


that does sound hilarious, dude goes in, spends hundreds on products leaving the fluffys confused without toysies or beds and stuff.
While he is gloating that he made their life miserable the fluffmart staff is already working on putting new furniture, probly humming happy that they made the sale of a lifetime while the fluffys will be soon happy again with the new stuff XD