F 4 breeder (By: NekuChan )

Be responsible pet owners everyone. Apparently it kills living cancers.


Br**ders are as oppressed as g*mers :sleepy: :cry:


really? they are like the richest group of people at this point :vigoda:


If only it was so simple to fight oppression with something as tangible as money. :frowning:

Br**der and g*mer oppression is too deep-rooted in society to fix with money :sob:


I love how you draw fluffies so much. I just want to hug and love on them <3


Well you can play the thing off as a artificial eye, so it won’t have to wear an eye patch all the time, for self-confidence boost? Or got a second hand eye from a depot that has spare parts from Grunties, Melted, and Burners (will say what burners are later)

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Oh I love dolly, what a sweet girl, rest in piss breeder


I thought she had a heart attack from realizing the fluffy was male…


Goddamn, what sort of creep casually uses the term mill mare?? Sure, I know a lot of people don’t care about fluffies, but you’d think the negative connotations of breeding mills wouldn’t be something anyone would willingly want to be associated with.

I’ll be honest, I can’t friggin’ stand a lot of animal breeders. Such as people who breed reptiles that focus on “morphs”. And then there’s folks who breed dogs, and there’s a whole list of reasons as to why I hate most of 'em. Hell, neutering/spaying dogs and cats greatly decreases their chances of getting certain cancers.

No cancer for Dolly! Cancer is FORBODEN. :triumph:


F o7

Backyard and mill breeders are some of the most fucked in the head people out there. My dog Gigi was previously owned by a backyard breeder, the rescue told me that when she got too old to breed those monsters just dumped her. Her teeth were rotten and all had to be pulled, and her uterus had been so overstretched and destroyed that she had to have a complete hysterectomy due to an infection that would have killed her within days, thank goodness the rescue had a good vet payment assistance program or I could’ve never been able to afford it. She’s almost 20 now and I have to cook special food for her (her fav is steamed chicken and vegetables, run through a food processor to be little bits so she can eat it), she’s losing her vision and has troubles with incontenence, but she deserves to spend the end of her life being loved and cared for. I’d like to find her old owners and run them over with a steamroller.


Holy shit, that’s awful. I hope that backyard breeder gets a place in the inferno that is hell where they’re put through what they put your dog through. That backyard breeder shouldn’t be considered human.

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@FalloutToonLink I didn’t mean to reply to you bro I’m sorry. Just reminding the community of important tags.


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Serves that bitch right.

How was the filly spayed?