Fidget Toy (By: PeppermintParchment)

(post deleted by author)

Though I disagree that she deserves to be bullied, 3rd-graders most certainly understand the concept of death. I did and so did all my friends.

I actually understood it well before then. My parents never did that “oh he/she went to live on a nice farm” lying bullshit with me.

EDIT: Also btw, Trisha’s main condition is Trichotillomania, not OCD. They’re related but they aren’t the same.


Sure, that was a bad example. My main point was, if it looks like a toy, is advertised as a toy, is gifted as a toy by a loved one…a third grader isn’t going to introspect about this thing being alive, even if it can talk.

I just think it’s disingenuous to think that Trish will hurt other people because she’s a third grader who broke (what she assumed to be) a toy. The blame does not land on her in any way, and assuming she’s gonna grow up to be a violent person is like saying a kid who locked their sims in a 1x1 box is going to kill people when they grow up.

It just really riles me up.


Oh I definitely agree with that.

And yeah I personally flat-out have my sims torture and murder other sims with mods, but I have no plans to kill any living creature apart from pest insects that get in my house irl.


Alright. I’ve calmed down a little. I’m sorry for verbally abusing you.

Still, I think it’s important to think about why you may feel this way. Why you feel this blameless child deserves blame and ridicule. Even if you don’t think it comes from a place of ableism, a bit of self-examination never hurt anybody.

Again, I’m sorry for blowing up at you.


Of course, that’s my bad.

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Well, I have to disagree with this sentiment. Though again I disagree with DummehBabbeh saying Trisha deserves to be bullied, I think making such an assumption about her is uncalled for.


Your right. I was too caught up in my rage. I was wrong. I’ll delete that comment as well.

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(post deleted by author)

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Yeah, I personally have always loved my toys and would never purposely harm them. I don’t have any sort of compulsion disorder, but I can’t imagine someone with one harming a toy with a face due to it and not feeling bad if they did.

Though cluster B personality disorders are still mental disorders. They’re hard to treat, but some people with them can be and have been successfully treated.

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(post deleted by author)

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Hooboy was this a good warning I knew wasn’t going to be heeded even before reading the comments.

Anyway I love how this one riffs on the theme of a fluffy existing to take on suffering for a human who is also being made to suffer. It can’t help but make us think about our own capacity for indifference, nearly as much as the Christmas cookies one did, anyway. “They Don’t Think It Be Like It Is, But It Do,” to say the least.


whoof, this one was as harrowing as it was gripping. as someone who lives with severe OCD that doesn’t manifest as trichotillomania this read was both somewhat alien as well as uncomfortably familiar. the story itself seems like the sort of thing that, some day, one might unpack with a therapist who might help one accept just how fucked up it was of their parents to opt for prescribed animal abuse over like, dbt skills and some aripiprazole or similar. and imo you did a pretty good job staying on the right side of lurid in your depiction of the disorder.


What a gorgeous story! Long and well-written and a subject that you definitely don’t get to see often at all. Splendidly crafted!


Haha not me covering my current bald spot with a headband while I read this :joy: called out af! Fabulously written 10/10


I’m more of a fan of neutralbox. Hugbox is too sweet and abusebox is nothing but mindless torture. But you managed to write something really meaningful, in fluffy community of all places.

I try to remind myself Trisha is a young girl suffering from mental illness and whack parents who don’t believe in mental illness, but her torment towards Fidget Toy was harrowing. You think that as a loner herself, she’d be compassionate towards a creature who literally has encoded DNA to love her if she gives him the bare minimum. Again, how you wrote her really is unique and likely a realistic depiction. Children aren’t as innocent as we make them out to seem, and I’d argue their sadisitc tendencies are prevalent since they don’t truly understand empathy yet.

I don’t know if you will, but I’d love to see a continuation that focuses on Trisha!


her parents seem to believe in mental illness just fine. They just didn’t want to immediately hook a developing child to hard drugs.


First story I’ve read in a long time, as someone who sometimes suffers a similar compulsion though not quite the same you nailed the stress - release cycle so perfectly! I love the abrubt ending and the questioning but inevitable certainty that this, in fact, a toy.


enough people have plaudited how well this is written by now, but holy shit “Rivulets of blood ran down cracked scabs like pyroclastic flow” is such a fantastic simile line


Thank you! I almost cut that line because I thought it might have been a bit too “flowery”, but ultimately, I’m glad that I kept it. Thanks for reading, and the compliment!