Number 5: A little old lady who was shopping for a little foal for her granddaughter spotted the scared little colt while browsing and immediately thought it was the cutest little thing she had ever seen. She really didn’t want to adopt a fluffy for herself, but when she heard the little guy’s backstory, she simply had to adopt him and take him home. She couldn’t afford the surgery to repair his sphincter, but she honestly didn’t mind changing his diapers and thought they made him look like a cute little baby.
As soon as she got the little fellow home she named him “Werthers” and cooked him up a large plate of spaghetti. Werthers was overjoyed, but soon realized that he was unfortunately not the lady’s only companion when she introduced him to her little lapdog, Peppermint. Werthers was immediately terrified of Peppermint, but the lady insisted that Peppermint was a ‘good boy’ and very friendly. Peppermint barked at the frightened little colt, but immediately began licking his face. The lady asked Werthers if he could try to make friends with Peppermint, and Werther’s, desperately trying not to disappoint his new mummah, said, “Wewtheh’s twy to make fwends wiff Peppewmint.”
Pleased, the old lady set out a chew toy for Peppermint and a ball for Werthers to play with before heading off to the livingroom to watch her programs. Werthers was terrified of Peppermint, so he just played with the ball over by himself while the little dog chewed on his toy. After a while, Werthers let his guard down and stopped always keeping one eye on Peppermint. He found a well-worn stuffy friend over in one corner of the room and despite that is smelled really strong of dog, he decided to cuddle up next to it and take a nap.
As he slept, Werthers had a nightmare of all the stallions of his former herd taunting him and calling him a ‘dummeh enfie-babbeh’ while they had their way with him. As the smarty leader of the herd mounted him and began thrusting, Werther’s woke up screeing. That’s when he heard growling in his ear and worst of all he was awake now, but he still felt the smarty giving him bad huggies. He then realized that Peppermint was humping him from behind. He screed again and tried to run away, but the little dog had a good grip on him around his waist.
Thankfully, the diaper prevented Peppermint’s nu-nu-stick from getting to his poopie place. Werthers cried out for his new mummuh, by he could hear the television blaring from the livingroom and she probably couldn’t hear him. He struggled to get away from the dog again, and this time he managed to wriggle free.
Werther’s tried to run as fast as his little weggies could carry him, but he wasn’t moving. Peppermint had sunk his teeth into the diaper and was tugging him backwards. Finally, the diaper gave way and Werthers dashed away from the dog leaving a stream of scared poopies shooting behind him. It was then that Werthers realized that he had run into a dark small room with no exit. He then heard the sound of Peppermint rapidly approaching him from behind.
The little old lady eventually stirred from her nap, and turned off the television. It was now late in the evening and she was surprised how long she napped, missing her favorite show. Remembering now that she had just adopted that cute little fluffy, she decided to get up and go see how Werthers and Peppermint were getting along.
When she entered the next room she discovered Werthers’ shredded diaper next to Peppermint’s “hump-buddy” toy and a trail of fluffy diarrhea leading to the pantry. Fearing the worst, the little old lady made her way into the pantry where she heard a “huuuhuuuuhuuu” coming from inside. As she turned on the light, Peppermint came up to her, wagging his tail. Over in the corner, she spotted Werthers curled up into a ball crying and covered in dog semen. Mortified she picked up the filthy little colt and tried to comfort him, but the only thing he’d say is “Wan Die”, over and over and over again.
The next day, she returned Werthers to the shelter. Embarrassed by what happened, she just said that she decided that she just didn’t have the room for a fluffy in her home, so she had to return him. The shelter explained that they couldn’t give her a refund, but she said that was alright, and quickly left the shelter. Disappointed, the shelter worker returned Number 5 to his former cage where he curled up in the corner crying and occasionally sobbing the words “wan die”. With an indifferent shrug, the shelter manager placed a tag on the cage door that read, “50% Off”.
Sorry this reply turned into a story. I originally planned on only a paragraph or two, but the story just kept writing itself the further I got. I decided to end it with the colt being returned to the shelter so someone else could adopt it as well. No reason Peppermint should have all the fun, I suppose.