Fluffmart Employee Advice: Don't Let Accidents Go To Waste [The_Agony_Presence]

Idk, I can’t even tell how bad it is. Could be a case of “with lots of effort they can get better.” Like a dog with tetanus. But it doesn’t matter if the fluffy doesn’t recover even after all you do as you can still kill it. Not like that’s suddenly impossible.

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Poor kitty. :pensive:

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That baby’s gettin’ stomped.

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oh man!!! I love it!

Uhhh…I mean less gluttony more like someone pressure washing the fluffy inside with high pressure milk jets

I’ve seen fluffies suffer in all sorts of ways. But showing its legit trapped in its non functioning body is something else…

Imma just put it out of its misery.

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Is it bad I laughed at this?


“Yeah I’ll take the disabled foal over there.”

“Okay, thats $2 and he comes with 6 free diapers”

Money changes hands and the foal is handed over. Stepping outside I toss the foal into a shallow puddle outside and watch it slowly drown in 1cm deep water.

“6 diapers was $2.30, saved 30 cents this way, sucks to suck little dude,” I state matter of factly, heading home.


Ooof. This is just…damn.

On one hand? I get trying to do the “compassionate” thing and try to find them a loving owner. On the other? All things considered the humane thing might just be euthanasia. Especially finding out they’re basically fully mentally functional in a body that very much isn’t.

Again, your art continues to combine abusive as fuck and adorable as hell in a wonderful way. Bravo!


kill it already, it doesn’t worth the diapers


Oh damn she still has cognitive thought too!

this is the kind of stuff i come here for

Oh my goodness! this is so fun and awesome! Not gonna lie, I would do the same intentionally if fluffies were real, jsut wait for a foal either colt or filly to latch on the fake teat and then pump the pressure to see it bloat up and get messed up.

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I just watched that video today. Nice