FLUFFO: Idea storm

Also a nice idea is, when it’s a pregnant mare when she try to move her belly and milkers still sticking on the road. So she died from it and also lose her unborn foals.

splowin bebeh meets a cat (cats see everithing smaller than then as prey and even if not hungry hunt/kill for sport, them alongside dogs,humans,orcas,dolphins and other great apes are some of the few animals capable of cruelty) bonus points if inside a backyard and the foal thinks the cat is friendly at first and tries to give it huggies

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Here’s one for those of you with young boys.
When boys first learn to masturbate, they don’t yet think about how they’re going to “clean up” afterwards. This can lead to phenomena like cumsocks, or strange stiff stains on the sheets or carpet…or on the hair of their loyal pets.
They’re not using the fluffy to masturbate, that’s more of a Controversial Stories topic.
Just using their fluff as a cleaning tool.

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