flufftobuh 2021 #10 (By: NekuChan)

“Fwuffy no want stupi’ Fiwebaww. Wan’ vodka.”


or, it will start violently vomiting. but it’s worth a shot I suppose :thinking:

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Oh man both sad and creepy, the dead mare with maggots and the thin foals, that hits so hard :cold_sweat::sob:

The only surviving one , HOPE it get saved.


It looks like it’ll snap in half if she tries to pick up.


Hohoh today I’m spoiled with good quality suffering. You could have eaten the Maggots you dumb dancie shitrat.

That woman needs to start dancing herself. In fact she should tap dance. On those little shit rats.

Hmmmm…nope-crushes with shoe

I want to rip it in half.

Damn the dead mare is repulsive. Awesome job.

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yes, cry and drink your onw tears.

More like, " look am douchey babbeh" pbbt

Of course little fluffy <3

And the lady just walks away indifferent from the starving foals last desperate act.

Yeah. NekuChan does really good work.

Hope is the cruelest torment of all.

Fuck that. Kill then all.

Usted si sabe ,como veterinario se puede saber que llega a un nivel llamado caquexia que es casi por completo irreversible no es imposible pero es muy tardado y caro ,pisarlo es mucho,dormirlo no costaría mucho .