Fluffy CYOA 02 (by Booperino)

Take the baby and leave the fluffy

Tack them with me to fluff mart to get formula

say you can give it some tea and then proceed to show it the inside of your jacket, only for it to look in horror as it finds out you yourself are made of tea. then it realizes the baby is tea, the fluffy itself is tea, everything is tea. the world is tea. the entire world is just a giant cup of tea floating in space.


Well again give them a bath before letting them roam around
Give them some food and see how well behaved they are
Also offer to let them spend the night by making a little blanket and pillow fort for them

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Well i suppose there are always chainsaws.

Chainsaw can be the awnser
But I’m a filthy hug boxer at heart with a bit of a sadistic streak oddly enough
I don’t get it myself either.

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well if it was made obvious that it was hugbox only I wouldn’t say a thing :v
and plus, it’s not a matter of imagination, but of logic -_-
it’s not that I wouldn’t build a f♄cking rocket to make them fly to mars in order to make them encounter friendly aliens, but it’s not the first thing that come to my mind in a daily life logic.