Fluffy Daycare Series (Artist: Great_White_Nope)

I wonder if any religion would throw fluffies into volcanos as an abomination against anything else with a soul. :wink:

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I can only speak for Judaism, but the relevance between sentient, sapient nonhumans and their potential relationship with Judaism has been discussed. I’m pretty sure fluffies would only fall under pets; their intelligence isn’t high enough to understand the more complex elements of Judaism. (I also don’t want to see one take the mikvah–full immersion in water, genuinely a transformative experience.) Basically, fluffies would fall under Halachah (religious law) in the sense of not causing unnecessary pain, feeding them before feeding oneself, general care, etc.

As for volcanoes, you’d want to check with indigenous religions in and around the Ring of Fire. Maybe parts of Italy and Iceland. I’m sure someone would gladly do it.

Now I’m trying to work out how a devout Jew could be an abuser while still working within the law.


I wonder about CSI/Dianetics… they’d probably consider this site ‘suppressive’?

I guess like oven timers?

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Lol, you mean like ovens with Shabbat mode? They don’t automatically turn off after so long, so you can put dishes in on Friday afternoon, and have them ready for Saturday lunch. I’ve got a killer brisket recipe for that kind of slow cooking.

I was thinking of psychological harm. Technically, it’s sort of allowed, as is confinement. I’ll have to do some research, but something has to be possible. Alas, fluffies aren’t kosher, so that wipes out the shochet (butcher) route.

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Duh, hire a gentile.
Note: A joke. The Rabbis aren’t stupid and already banned that, mostly?


There’s actually some interesting history there. A Shabbat goy is a non-Jew who handles things like tending fires, cooking, writing, etc, on Shabbat. They have to volunteer, though. They can’t be paid in any way. It’s an old-fashioned concept, though it’s evolved in the modern world. For instance, at Boskone, a major science fiction convention held in Boston, a significant number of attendees are Orthodox Jews. (You see some absolutely fantastic kippot. One guy’s had a spacescape embroidered across it when I went.)

Anyhow, the Orthodox peeps can’t press elevator buttons. Hence, if you get on the elevator with someone frum(devout), between sundown Friday and sundown Saturday, it’s good form to “accidentally” hit all the buttons. I’m Reformadox (very liberally Jewish, but weirdly adherent in some ways), so I gladly hit buttons.

We can’t ask what floor they’re on. If they told us, it would violate Shabbat.

Anyway, it’s a kindness, and sometimes it gets you first shot at Sunday morning bagels.

ETA: if you like mysteries, find Some Danger Involved, by Will Thomas. He’s got a really cool Victorian mystery series, and the first book involves a crime in the heavily Jewish East End. Awesome stuff, and a pretty neat guy. (He works at, or maybe retired from, a library near me. I’ve met him a few times. We chatted about setting fiction in the Victorian era.)

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Imagine that there’s no rules at all requiring you not to harm a fluffy pony, but that owning or renting one (or possession in general, so no capturing) is proscribed. Oddly, hunting them with a ranged weapon would probably be allowed on days of work? Leaving the meat would be a crime, so you’d have to get someone who makes a living with the furs or something to clean it up?

We’re probably overthinking this exercise into lulz. Although the image of people going to the trouble of shipping them to a volcano is somewhat funny.

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