Fluffy organ farms (fluffybooru id: 16782) (by: Wolfram_Sparks)

that wont fly in the wolfram sparks universe


you got me there :stuck_out_tongue:
i was talking less in his headcanon and more in a broad generalization kinda situation lol


Hence why you need to poke holes using logic and facts!

Ace Attorney theme intensifies

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i see it working something like that already.


You’d have to extract all liquids from the body without destroying the cells for cryonic freezing to work.

Organ harvesting for fluffies?! Yeah, ok…

@A-S @Mr_Owl @jimmyhopkins @Booperino

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Real life.

Pointless necro taunting.

Also, assholes who disregard a creature’s suffering in favor of money will always exist. Still worth trying to remain human regardless. There’s a right way to do everything. The one which lacks humanity is not that.


Ruffles is a fucking chinchilla, what is it doing in there?

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PETA probably

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Not sure if even them would condone literal organ/body parts harvesting to be fair.

(Maybe. They can be spooky bois.)

Yes, yes! Harvest them all!