Foal ‘N Can I adopted. (father_dan_the_man)

^ My redraw

Original adoptable. By: @Gal-with-pastels

It took me a little while to figure out how I’d draw a fresh babbeh. But I finally decided that I’ll make my babbehs look like little old fluffs just like when my son was a baby and looked like an old man.



So are you gonna leave this fat little panda in the can, or let it loose? Could be cute to see it mush up against the sides (until it stinks, then toss it)

I mean it’s up to you. I drew this for myself and I like to imagine it having a happy ending. But if you wanna imagine a darker/more fucked one I don’t mind. :martinidrink:

I think the law of the land is, you adopted it, so your box is cannon for their life story. A happy ending it is then.

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Definitely a happy ending.

But the real question is…what are you going to name it?

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Oh! That’s easy! I’m gonna name it Bear after my oldest child’s stuffed panda who’s like his best friend. That’s why I wanted to adopt this little guy so bad.

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Cute. You know, talking about babies that look like old men reminds me of my little toy poodle, who’s kind of the opposite. He’s an older doggo that still looks like a pup, and he tends to act either really young or really old. Anywho, good luck with Bear!

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When I see the faces of these fluffies, the first thing to pop into my mind is that they’re begging for a fluffy version of that ‘Confucius say’ meme.

I’d try to come up with something witty along those lines, but I’ve been drinking.

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Truth be told I had eyes on that one too when i saw it.
But oh well that’s how it goes ( and you were really pleased with it i saw you ! points)
And i skedaddled off with the next best thing nr 12.

Do they have name and gender yet ?
I forgot if it was a boy or girl

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I’m naming it after my son’s stuffed best friend that’s a panda. He calls him Bear. It used to be mine but he claimed it as a toddler and I couldn’t say no. That’s why I got so excited when I saw it. :glee:

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That explains a lot.
And I’m glad you got him. ( though if you told me that if grabbed the foal I would have happily handed him over to you )

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I can draw the one you adopted if you’d like! I’ve essentially got a base down and it shouldn’t take me too long. :fluffyshy:

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Sure why not ?
Maybe you can help me with names too i’m horrible at naming characters ^^*
I managed to name my kitsune fluffy Rambo because of the apples

( and off course a fluffy named Rambo

well i thought it was funny)

Are you in the Discord…? We could chat privately via DMs about this!

Can you maybe take that conversation somewhere that isn’t here…? I kinda tagged it with hugbox-ish for a reason. And I’d rather not read that today.

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Sure np. I thought the tags here were just for searching.

Nice work btw. :slight_smile: Very cute.

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Thank you. I really appreciate it. Maybe if I was having an easier day I would be more into this conversation but I still kinda feel like shit from my root canal. :sweat_smile:

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Since I was apparently tagged, I’ll just say that I think this is a definite improvement on the original. Keep up the good work!

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Oh jeez! Thanks! :glee: